rainforests geography

Cards (33)

  • What % of earth's surface do rainforests cover?
  • What % of the world's plant and animal species live in rainforests?
  • How many mm of rainfall does the amazon receive in a year?
  • The emergent layer
    30-60m high
    exposed to high winds and sunlight
  • The canopy layer
    20-30m high
    exposed to rain
  • The undercanopy layer
    5-15m high
    dark, little wind, humid
  • The forest floor
    Sparse vegetation
    2% of light reaches here
  • Average temperature in Amazon rainforest?
  • Why are rainforests hot?
    The suns' rays are the most concentrated at the equator
  • Why are rainforests wet?
    Hot air at the equator rises, and then cools and condenses to form clouds
  • Characteristics of latosols
    Rich in iron
    Red brown colour
  • Why are latosols infertile?
    Constant leaching, nutrients are washed away
  • What is humus?
    Broken down litter
  • Adaptations of buttress roots
    Shallow - nutrients are in the humus layer
    Tall - supports the tree to grow
    Long - to maximise the amount of nutrients collected
  • Adaptations of drip tips
    Pointed tip - allows water to flow off, preventing algae growth
    Large SA - bigger area for photosynthesis
  • Adaptations of howling monkeys
    Loud call - to communicate in vast expanse of rainforest
    Hook-like hands - to swing in trees and hunt
  • Adaptations of the sloth
    Nocturnal - easier to hunt for food
    Specialised tendons in hands - allows them to hang for extended periods of time
  • Where are tropical rainforests located?
    In the equatorial region
    15º N and S from the equator
  • How long can weak rainforest soil support cattle for?
    5-7 years
  • What % of deforested land does cattle ranching account for?
  • What woods are logged for in the amazon?
    Mahogany and teak for furniture
  • How long is the Trans-Amazonian highway?
  • Problems with the Trans-Amazonian highway?
    Gives access to exploitation - logging stations, mines
  • What % of deforestation in the Amazon occurs within 5km of a road
  • What is mined in the Amazon?
    Gold and bauxite
  • Problems with mining in the Amazon
    Poisons used to extract gold can wash into rivers
  • How is energy being developed in the Amazon rainforest?
    Dams, generating hydroelectric power
  • How many plant, animal and insect species are lost daily due to deforestation?
  • What % of medicines come from the rainforest?
  • Causes of deforestation in the Amazon
    Commercial farming
    Mineral extraction
    Energy development
  • What % of the world's fresh water comes from the Amazon Basin?
  • What % of the world's plants and animals exist in tropical rainforests?
  • How can the Amazon rainforest be sustainably managed?
    Selective logging
    Debt reduction