the nervous system

Cards (10)

  • The Nervous System
    Detects and Reacts to Stimuli
  • The Nervous System
    • Made up of Different Parts
    • Central Nervous System (CNS)
    • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
  • Sensory Neurones
    Carry information as electrical impulses from the receptors to the CNS
  • Motor Neurones
    Carry electrical impulses from the CNS to effectors
  • Effectors
    All your muscles and glands, which respond to nervous impulses
  • Receptors and Effectors
    1. Can form part of Complex Organs
    2. Receptors detect stimuli
    3. Effectors respond to impulses and bring about change
    4. Muscles contract
    5. Glands secrete hormones
  • Receptors can be found in large numbers, up to 50 per square millimetre of skin
  • The Central Nervous System (CNS) coordinates the response to stimuli
  • Response to a stimulus
    1. Receptors detect stimulus
    2. Sensory neurones carry information to CNS
    3. CNS decides what to do
    4. Motor neurones carry information to effectors
    5. Effectors respond
  • Simple animals like jellyfish don't have complex nervous systems, everything they do is a reflex response