Economic and Social developments in Elizabeth's reign

Cards (14)

  • What was the state of the economy in 1558?
    Elizabeth inherited the aftermath of bad harvests as well as high mortality rates, high taxation and a significant cut in real wages.
  • What was the effect of high mortality rates?
    This decreased the supply of labour and consequently increased the bargaining powers of workers.
  • What methods did Eliabeth have to deal with the poor state of the economy?
    Instructions issued to JP's- ineffective
    Royal proclamations.
  • What was the belief about wages?
    Although real wages were falling due to inflation, those in power thought wages were too high.
  • How did the Council of North try to tackle the misconception over wages?
    • They got Hull and York corporations to enforce wage rates in 1514
    • This led to 113 labourers being charged with unlawfully high wages.
  • What was the Statute of Artifices? When was it introduced?
    It was introduced in 1563.
    1. Made laour compulsory
    2. Enforced a minimum period of 1 year for the hire of workmen during which they could not leave their masters or be dismissed without good cause
    3. A prohibition on anyone following a craft unless they served a seven year apprenticeship
    4. The setting of a minimum wage by JP's within their counties
  • What was the effect of poor harvests?
    • Food shortages were created in the mid 1550's and mid 1590's.
    • Widespread vagabondage and poverty
  • How were the poor differentiated?
    They were split up into the 'deserving' and 'undeserving' poor where those undeserving were punished rather than supported.
  • Who were classed as deserving poor?
    Old people, widows and those with disabilities
  • Who provided poor relief before the reformation?
    The Church - this was destroyed after the reformation.
  • How did Parliament try to deal with poor relief problem?
    In 1563, it passed the Poor Law Act which laid down fines for those who refused to contribute to poor relief when requested to do so.
  • What was the impact of the 1563 poor law act?
    It was limited as the national legislation lagged behind local initiatives.
  • How did Elizabeth stabilise the currency?
    It was announced that debased coins (those with 25% or less silver content of their face value) would be replaced with soundly minted ones.
  • What was the impact of the recoinage?
    Stabilised currency and the government did not result to debasing the coinage again