Age of farmers

Cards (7)

  • Only 3% of people living in the GDA make their living from agriculture however despite this farming is highly productive and income levels are high.
  • Farm incomes in this region are 40% higher than the  national averages.
  • Farming is seen as an attractive career option by young people in this area.
  • As a result, there is less outmigration of young people and the average age of farmers is 37.
  • This is much lower than the North and West region.
  • Farming is seen as a business and more scientific methods are used, for example 50% of the country’s greenhouses are located in the GDA leading to a thriving market gardening sector around Lusk in North Co. Dublin.
  • Farms are highly mechanised and there are 10.4 tractors per 10 farms adding to productivity levels.