Godonlyneedshisown word inordertocreate; whenhesays‘Lettherebe…’; thatthingimmediatelycomesintobeing.Godiscompletelyaboveandbeyondthecreatedworld - heistranscendent
What does the idea of transcendence mean?
God is beyondhumanunderstanding
Christians believe God cannotfullybedescribed in humanwords
God’s transcendence inspiresawe
God is the only…?
God is the only creator, whohascreatedeverything
Why is God’s creation special?
Because all of ithasbeencreatedbyGod
Therefore it shouldbecared and lookedafter
What does Genesis 1:27 show?
God createdhumans in his ownimage
This means humanssharequalities with God (like love and compassion)
These qualitiesallowhumans to have a closerelationship with God
What does the Word of God mean?
Inspired by the HolySpirit
What is the Bible?
The sacred book of Christianity
Contains differenttypes of writing (literaryforms) such as historical accounts, poems and letters, which were written for differentaudiences and purposes
What is the Old Testament?
Describes how God guided the Jews throughout their early history, before the arrival of Jesus.
It contains four main sections.
What is the New Testament?
Deals with the life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles (Jesus’closestfollowers, who became leaders of the earlyChurch).
It can be split into fourmainsections
What are the sections/genres of the Old Testament?
What are the sections/genres of the New Testament?
The Gospels
The Acts of the Apostles
The Epistles
The Book of Revelation
What is Prophecy (OT)?
The books of the prophets whose inspiredwordschallenged the people to remainfaithful to God
Taughtthem that God is active in the world
What is The Gospels (NT)?
Covers the actions and teachings of Jesus
What is The Epistles (NT)?
Letters that were written by the apostles
Discusses how to followJesus’teachings in everydaylife.
What is ‘imago dei’?
Catholics will often use the Latin term ‘imago dei’ to describe this uniquerelationship (image of God (mental, moral and socialqualities of God.)) betweenGod and humans.
What do Catholics believe about the Sanctity of Life?
All creation is holy because it has been created and blessed by God
Belief in the sanctity of life means that everystage of life should be treated with care and respect.
This is an importantreason why Catholics are againsteuthanasia
What do Christians believe about the human gift of free will? Quote
Christians believe Genesis2 shows that God has givenhumansfreewill
It describes how God made the garden of Eden for Adam to livein
How is free will presented in God’s conversation with Adam?
God tells Adam that he may eat from anytree in the garden except for the ‘tree of the knowledge of goodand evil’
Although God ‘commands’Adamnot to eat from the tree, he doesn’tactively prevent Adamfromdoingso
He gives Adam a choice: the freewill to decide for himselfwhether or not to eatfrom the tree
Why doesn’t free will mean that humans can do whatever they want without consequences?
Christians believe that usingfreewilltosinresultsinturningawayfromGod, and this is whyevilexistsintheworld
Using freewill to live in a waythatpleasesGodbringshumansclosertoGod
What does the Bible say about the human characteristic of stewardship?
God tells Adam and Eve to ‘subdue’ the earth and ‘havedominion’ over every living thing.
This suggests that humans have been given power and authority to rule over all other creatures
What does the Bible say about the human characteristic of stewardship?
God puts Adam in the garden of Eden to ‘till it and keep it’.
This suggests looking after the world with care and love
What does the Bible teach about the human characteristic of stewardship?
That Christians have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God
What do Christians believe about the human characteristic of stewardship?
That the world is a gift from God, but Godexpects them to protect and care for the world in return
Give a quote about the human characteristic of stewardship
“Thisresponsibility for God’searth means that humanbeings…mustrespect the laws of nature and the delicate [balance] existingbetween the creatures of this world.”LaudatoSi68
What is natural law?
The idea that humans are born with an understanding of what is right and wrong.
Why does the Catholic Church teach that humans are born with the ability to know what is good and what isn’t? Quote
God made all of creationgood (Genesis1). Humans are part of this creation
Humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). They share in his qualities, including being good
What does natural law mean to the Catholic Church?
Following natural law is important because it is part of God’s will for humans
Humans shouldnotneedrules to tellthem what is right. Natural law states that humans should know right from wrong intuitively