
Cards (64)

  • What is the Image of God?
    The creation story in Genesis 1 shows that God is creator of everything, and that he created humanity in his own image
  • What is Transcendent?
    Beyond and outside life on earth and the universe
  • What is Omnipotent?
  • What is Stewardship?
    the idea that Christians have a duty to look after the environment
  • What is the Sanctity of Life?
    the belief that life is precious or sacred because humans are made in ‘God’s image’
  • Give a quote about omnipotence and its meaning
    • “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
    • Genesis 1:31 says everything God made is ‘very good’; God is so powerful he can make everything the way he wants it
  • What does belief in God’s omnipotence inspire Christians to do?
    Trust in God, as they know he has the power to do or change anything
  • Give one quote about transcendence and its meaning
    • “Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)
    • God only needs his own word in order to create; when he says ‘Let there be…’; that thing immediately comes into being. God is completely above and beyond the created world - he is transcendent
  • What does the idea of transcendence mean?
    • God is beyond human understanding
    • Christians believe God cannot fully be described in human words
    • God’s transcendence inspires awe
  • God is the only…?
    God is the only creator, who has created everything
  • Why is God’s creation special?
    • Because all of it has been created by God
    • Therefore it should be cared and looked after
  • What does Genesis 1:27 show?
    • God created humans in his own image
    • This means humans share qualities with God (like love and compassion)
    • These qualities allow humans to have a close relationship with God
  • What does the Word of God mean?
    Inspired by the Holy Spirit
  • What is the Bible?
    • The sacred book of Christianity
    • Contains different types of writing (literary forms) such as historical accounts, poems and letters, which were written for different audiences and purposes
  • What is the Old Testament?
    • Describes how God guided the Jews throughout their early history, before the arrival of Jesus.
    • It contains four main sections.
  • What is the New Testament?
    • Deals with the life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles (Jesus’ closest followers, who became leaders of the early Church).
    • It can be split into four main sections
  • What are the sections/genres of the Old Testament?
    • Law
    • History
    • Wisdom
    • Prophecy
  • What are the sections/genres of the New Testament?
    • The Gospels
    • The Acts of the Apostles
    • The Epistles
    • The Book of Revelation
  • What is Prophecy (OT)?
    • The books of the prophets whose inspired words challenged the people to remain faithful to God
    • Taught them that God is active in the world
  • What is The Gospels (NT)?
    Covers the actions and teachings of Jesus
  • What is The Epistles (NT)?
    • Letters that were written by the apostles
    • Discusses how to follow Jesus’ teachings in everyday life.
  • What is ‘imago dei’?
    • Catholics will often use the Latin term ‘imago dei’ to describe this unique relationship (image of God (mental, moral and social qualities of God.)) between God and humans.
    • It singles out humans as those specially chosen by God
  • Give one quote about imago dei
    “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”(Genesis 1:26-27)
  • What are the different understandings of imago dei?
    • Some understand it to mean that humans share God’s character and nature, or that humans are representatives of God on earth
    • Others understand that it allows humans to be in communion with God, and gives responsibility over his creation
  • What are the characteristics of humans?
    • Imago Dei
    • Dignity
    • Sanctity of Life
    • Free Will
    • Stewardship
  • What does the Church say about the dignity of human beings? Quote
    • Genesis 1 states that God made humans ‘in his image’ (Genesis 1:27)
    • All humans are equal because they have all been created by God and share in the qualities of God
  • What do Catholics believe about the dignity of human beings?
    • For Catholics, this means that all people have dignity - they are worthy of honour and respect
    • Catholics believe that everyone should respect their own dignity and the dignity of other people
  • What does Genesis say about the Sanctity of Life? Quote
    God blesses all humans after he creates them (Genesis 1:28)
  • What do Catholics believe about the Sanctity of Life?
    • All creation is holy because it has been created and blessed by God
    • Belief in the sanctity of life means that every stage of life should be treated with care and respect.
    • This is an important reason why Catholics are against euthanasia
  • What do Christians believe about the human gift of free will? Quote
    • Christians believe Genesis 2 shows that God has given humans free will
    • It describes how God made the garden of Eden for Adam to live in
  • How is free will presented in God’s conversation with Adam?
    • God tells Adam that he may eat from any tree in the garden except for the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’
    • Although God ‘commands’ Adam not to eat from the tree, he doesn’t actively prevent Adam from doing so
    • He gives Adam a choice: the free will to decide for himself whether or not to eat from the tree
  • Why doesn’t free will mean that humans can do whatever they want without consequences?
    • Christians believe that using free will to sin results in turning away from God, and this is why evil exists in the world
    • Using free will to live in a way that pleases God brings humans closer to God
  • What does the Bible say about the human characteristic of stewardship?
    • God tells Adam and Eve to ‘subdue’ the earth and ‘have dominion’ over every living thing.
    • This suggests that humans have been given power and authority to rule over all other creatures
  • What does the Bible say about the human characteristic of stewardship?
    • God puts Adam in the garden of Eden to ‘till it and keep it’.
    • This suggests looking after the world with care and love
  • What does the Bible teach about the human characteristic of stewardship?
    • That Christians have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God
  • What do Christians believe about the human characteristic of stewardship?
    • That the world is a gift from God, but God expects them to protect and care for the world in return
  • Give a quote about the human characteristic of stewardship
    “This responsibility for God’s earth means that human beings… must respect the laws of nature and the delicate [balance] existing between the creatures of this world.” Laudato Si 68
  • What is natural law?
    The idea that humans are born with an understanding of what is right and wrong.
  • Why does the Catholic Church teach that humans are born with the ability to know what is good and what isn’t? Quote
    • God made all of creation good (Genesis 1). Humans are part of this creation
    • Humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). They share in his qualities, including being good
  • What does natural law mean to the Catholic Church?
    • Following natural law is important because it is part of God’s will for humans
    • Humans should not need rules to tell them what is right. Natural law states that humans should know right from wrong intuitively