
Cards (17)

  • DNA
    Basic building block of genes-double helix of sugar phosphate backbone and nucleotide bases (A, T, G, & C)
  • Genes
    Segments of DNA; a pack (sequence) of instructions for a unique body function.
    *The basic unit of heredity*
  • Chromsomes
    Made up of DNA gene segments
  • Genome
    Represents an organism's full set of DNA and genes
  • Epigenome
    Chemical compounds on outside (epi) of DNA strands. Act to regulate gene expression.
  • Mutations
    Any change in a gene's DNA sequence away from normal.
  • Polymorphisms
    A type of mutation (or change in DNA sequence) but are a common form of a gene which causes genetic variation/diversity (trait) in the human genome.
  • Genotype
    A person's genetic make-up
  • Phenotype
    The ways genes are expressed (eye color, hair color, etc.)
    *The physical manifestations of a persons genetic makeup*
  • Diploid
    Cell with 46 paired chromosomes
  • Allele
    Different forms of the same gene
  • Genomics
    Study of all genes as a whole
  • Autosomal Dominant Disorders
    -Familial hypercholesterolemia
    -Polycystic kidney disease
    -Neurofibromatosis type 1
    -Marfan syndrome
    -Huntington's disease
  • X-linked Recessive Gene Conditions
    -Males affected much more often
    -Examples: Hemophilia (Factor VIII), Duchenne muscular dystrophy and color blindness
  • Chromosomal Abnormalities
    -Trisomy 21: Down syndrome, mental retardation
    -Trisomy 18: Edwards syndrome
    -Trisomy 13: Patau syndrome
  • Sex Chromosomal Abnormalities
    -Klinefelter syndrome (XXY): male genitalia, gynecomastia, long limbs, tall, slim, hypogonadism and infertility.
    -Turner syndrome (45, X): short stature, webbed neck, extra skin folds, gonadal dysgenesis, infertility, heart & kidney anomalies and normal intelligence
  • Pop Quiz
    -PKU: single gene autosomal recessive
    -Alcoholsim: multifactorial
    -Down syndrome: chromosomal-numerical
    -Turner syndrome: chromsomal-sex related
    -Familial hypercholestermia: single gene-autosomal dominant
    -Sickle cell anemia: single gene-autosomal recessive
    -Marfan syndrome: single gene-autosomal dominant
    -Albinism: single gene-autosomal recessive
    -Huntington's disease: single gene-autosomal dominant
    -Hemophilia: single gene-X linked
    -Color blindness: single gene-X linked
    -Schizophrenia: multifactorial