High level Spanish phrases

Cards (28)

  • Para conseguir el trabajo de mis suenos tendre que seguir estudiando
  • Habia
    There was /there
  • Fue la bomba
    It was awesome
  • Lo pase fenomenal
    I had a great time
  • Me divert mucho
    I had a lot of fun
  • Acabo de ir a espana
    I have just been to Spain
  • Tener ganas
    I fancy
  • Si pudiera me gustaria
    If I could I would like to
  • Si tuvieria la oportunidad me gustaria
    If I had the opportunity I would
  • So tuvieria mas dinero/tiempo me gustaria
    If I had more money/time I would lileb
  • So fuera possible me gustaria
    If It was possible I would like yo
  • Si tuvieria que dar mi opinion diria que
    If I had to give my opinion I would say that
  • Cuando tenga mas dinero
    When I have more money
  • Para que pueda
    So that I can
  • No creo que sea posible
    I don't think that's it's possible
  • Antes de que sea demasiado tarde 

    Before it is too late
  • Ojala tuvieria mas dinero
    I wish I had more money
  • Ojala fuera 

    I wish I was
  • Lo que mas me gusta es
    What I like the most is
  • Lo que me preocupa mas
    What worries me the most is
  • Lo que no aguanto es

    What I can't stand is
  • Lo que me molesta es 

    What annoys me is
  • Tengo que admitir que
    I have to admit that
  • No se Puede negar que 

    It can't be denied that
  • Fue una experiencia inolvidable
    It was an unforgettable experience
  • Que lastima
    What a shame
  • Que aburrido
    How boring
  • Que emococionante
    How exciting