Great numbers of people are unemployed, migrant workers exploited. Both capitalist and communist systems exploiting the worker
Economia Justice for All
Millions are unemployed
Sollicitudo Rei Sociales (on social concern)
World economy in flux - debt, unemployment and recession hitting both rich and poor nations
Centesimus Annur (the Hundredth year)
Collapse of communism in Eastern Europe
Evangelium Vitae (the Gospel of life)
Prevalence of "culture of death" - abortion, euthanasias, death penalty
Deus Caritas Est (God is Love)
First encyclical of Benedict XVI. Comes in the midst of a culture of relativism
Laudato dion (care for our common Home)
A climate crisis threatens humans and the environment - biodiversity loss, over consumption of resources, pollution, land, air and water and the disproportionate burden
Fratelli Tutti (On Fraternity and Social Friendship)
Covid-19 pandemic - Disruption in education, gaps in learning, while social isolation intensified mental health challenges
Industrial revolution lead to exploitation of workers