
Cards (65)

  • Toxicology
    The science that deals with the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms and assesses the probability of their occurrence
  • Disciplines of modern toxicology
    • Mechanistic toxicology
    • Clinical toxicology
    • Descriptive toxicology
    • Regulatory toxicology
    • Forensic toxicology
    • Environmental toxicology
  • Mechanistic toxicology
    Investigates how a chemical causes toxic effects by examining its absorption, distribution and excretion
  • Clinical toxicology

    Investigates the toxic effects of various drugs in the body and the treatment and prevention of drug toxicity in the population
  • Descriptive toxicology

    Investigates the toxic properties of chemical agents for various endpoints using a variety of different organisms
  • Regulatory toxicology

    Uses scientific data to determine how to protect humans and animals from excessive risk
  • Forensic toxicology
    Uses medical evidence of poisoning, and tries to establish the extent to which poisons were involved in human deaths
  • Environmental toxicology
    Investigates the effects of pollutants on organisms, populations, ecosystems and the biosphere
  • China (plant and fish poisons)
    2700 B.C.
  • Egypt (800 poisonous recipes)

    1900-1200 B.C.
  • India (poisons and antidotes)
    800 B.C.
  • Greece (600 plant and mineral poisons)
    50-100 A.D.
  • Romans (poisons for executions)
    50-400 A.D.
  • Islamic authority on poisons
    980-1036 A.D.
  • Paracelsus (the father of toxicology)

  • Paracelsus: '"All substances are poisons: there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy."'
  • Ramazzini (Book; Diseases of Workers)

  • Orfila (Toxicology as a distinct discipline)

  • Paul Ehrlich – developed staining procedures to observe cell and tissues of how toxicants influence living organisms

  • Exposure
    Must occur first for the chemical to present a risk
  • Risk
    The magnitude of risk is proportional to both the potency of the chemical and the extent of exposure
  • Dose makes the poison
    The amount of the chemical at the target site determines the toxicity
  • Poisonous chemicals
    Plants, animals and bacteria
  • Toxicant
    Specific poisonous chemicals
  • Phytotoxins
    Toxins from plants
  • Zootoxins

    Toxins from animals
  • Bacteriotoxins
    Toxins from bacteria
  • Xenobiotic
    Man-made substance
  • Toxicity
    The adverse effects that a chemical may cause
  • Dose
    The amount of chemical that accesses the body
  • Exposure
    The extent to which a poisonous dose is acquired
  • Hazard
    The likelihood that a toxicity will be expressed
  • Antidotes
    Counteracting a poison
  • Types of antidotes
    • Chemical - reacts chemically with the poison to form a harmless compound
    • Mechanical - prevents absorption (activated charcoal)
    • Physiological - counteracts the effects of the poison by producing opposite physiological effects
  • LD50
    The amount (dose) of a chemical which causes death in 50% of a population of test animals, to which it is administered by any of a variety of methods
  • LC50
    The concentration of a chemical in an environment (generally air or water) which causes death in 50% of an exposed population of test animals in a specified time frame
  • Dose (mg/kg/day)
    % Adverse Outcome
  • Sugar has an LD50 of 30,000 mg/kg
  • Ethanol has an LD50 of 13,700 mg/kg
  • Water has a recognized LD50 of 80,000 mg/kg