
Cards (8)

  • Muslims believe in Al-Qadr, predestination. This also known as 'Divine Decree'. Allah is in control of the outcome of good and evil actions. He knows everything that will happen. At the same time, humans have the free will to make their own choices.
  • Some scholars say that God is transcendent, so he is outside of time and can see past, present and future. So its not that God is deciding what you do but can see all that will happen and has happened.
  • The Quran teaches that every person is free to choose how they act, but at the same time there are some things that predetermined and unchangeable. God knows the outcome of free choices.
  • "Nobody may die except with God's permission, at a predestined time" (Surah 3)
  • "God says 'be' and it is" (Surah 2)
  • "He has subjected the sun and the moon to each pursue its course for an appointed time" (Surah 13)
  • "Only what God has decreed will happen to us" (Surah 9)
  • Predestination impact/influence on Muslims
    • Try to live in accordance with God's will and plan for their life (e.g. following the 5 pillars)
    • It makes Muslims more God conscious
    • They will take comfort in the fact that all good and bad comes from Allah
    • May not fear death as it is a part of God's plan
    • However it actually could cause some to lose faith, as they would be hurt as to why God would predestine bad things for them
    • May make them too reliant on God