Cards (30)

  • Monitoring
    Is the systematic collection, analysis, and use of information from programs
  • Learning Function
    Learning from the experiences acquired
  • Monitoring Function
    Accounting internally and externally for the resources used; and the results obtained
  • Steering Function
    Taking decisions
  • Evaluation
    Is assessing an ongoing or completed program or policy as systematically and as objectively as possible
  • M&E Purpose
    To have a strong M&E and review system in place for the national health strategic plan
  • National Health Strategic Plan
    Comprises all major disease programs and health system
  • M&E Plan
    Should address all components of the framework and lay the foundation for regular reviews during the implementation of the national plan
  • Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies
    Is a shared assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a national health strategy or strategic plan
  • Progress
    1. Monitoring reports
    2. HMIS
    3. Surveys
    4. Evaluation Studies
  • M&E Framework
    The core is the strengthening of a common country platform for M&E of HSS, which should result in better alignment of country and global M&E systems and can be used for both monitoring
  • M&E Framework monitors:
    1. health systems funding platform
    2. tracking the performance of specific programs
  • Health System Strengthening
    Transcribe HSS
  • International Health Partnership Plus
    A global initiative that aims to improve the effectiveness of development assistance in the health sector
  • International Health Partnership Plus
    Transcribe IHP+
  • M&E of Health Systems Strengthening Framework
    Presents the indicator domains and considerations for data collection, synthesis, and use along the pathway for achieving health impact at scale
  • World Health Organization
    Made the M&E of Health Systems Strengthening Framework
  • Paris Declaration
    Where M&E of Health Systems Strengthening Framework was derived
  • Inputs and processes
    Gathered information
  • Outputs
    Plan of action; delivered or rendered service
  • Outcomes
  • Impact
    if the results are okay or effective
  • Indicator
    Variable whose value changes
  • Indicator
    Measures the value of the change in meaningful units that can be compared to past and future units
  • Indicator
    It focuses on a single aspect of a program or project - i.e., an input, output, or the overarching objective
  • Five Broad Categories of HMIS Indicators
    1. Reproductive health
    2. Immunization
    3. Disease prevention and control
    4. Resources utilization
    5. Data quality
  • Other Health Programs
    1. Maternal Survival Intervention
    2. Child Mortality and Child Survival Intervention
    3. Stop TB Program
  • Goal of Stop TB Program
    Dramatically reduce the global burden of TB by 2015
  • Millennium Development Goals and Stop TB Partnership targets of the World Health Organization (2006)
    What the Stop TB Program is in line with
  • Philippines’ updated Strategic TB Elimination Plan (PhilSTEP I) 2020-23
    Aims to achieve a 50% reduction in TB mortality and 12% reduction in TB incidence by 2023