
Cards (29)

  • Community
    A collection of species or populations, and interactions between these collections over time, and in a given space
  • No two communities will be exactly alike even if we have the same number of organisms of each species of the same size and age in the same position etc.
  • The challenge is to be able to generalise to the point can make useful comparisons / understand systems, without being so sweeping as to eliminate the subtlety
  • Communities are more of a continuum than a discreet entity
  • Communities as groups of species
    A useful definition only in that it is relatively simply to define, but it ignores the components of space
  • Communities as a collection of populations
    Plant community data typically looks at numbers of individuals within species whereas animal data focuses on the presence or absence of species
  • Abstract vs concrete community
    The concrete form refers to it at a given point, or components of it that exist. The abstract community is the more generalised version
  • Ways communities may show organisation (structure)

    • Species composition
    • Temporal
    • Trophic
  • Species composition
    At any given time a community will have a pool of species represented, with dominant and keystone species
  • Keystone species

    Those on which others (or even the community as a whole) depends, and their loss will lead to the loss of others
  • Indicator species

    Those which provide information about a community and can be used as a proxy or marker for the likely condition of the community
  • Temporal structures

    • Diurnal
    • Nocturnal
    • Crepuscular
    • Seasonal
  • Communities change over time (succession) and can be long term (millions of years) or daily (intertidal zones) and individuals may live for days or centuries
  • Different species occupy landscapes at very different scales though may still interact (krill vs whales)
  • Predation
    The complete consumption of one organism by another, where one is harmed and one benefits
  • Parasitism
    Consumption of part or all of an organism by another, where one is harmed and one benefits, usually lives on / in the host
  • Mutualism
    An interaction where both organisms benefit
  • Food web
    Illustrates relationships (what eats what) between species or populations within a community, and represents energy transfer
  • Energy enters ecosystems as light, and leaves primarily as heat
  • Trophic levels

    • Primary producers
    • Primary consumers
    • Secondary consumers
  • Definitions of trophic levels are not as clear cut as we would like, as some organisms can be in multiple levels
  • On average, only 10% of the energy makes it from one trophic level to the next
  • Ways to represent transfer of energy or trophic levels
    • Pyramids of numbers
    • Pyramids of biomass
    • Food chains or webs
  • Food chains are typically short (few have more than 3 or 4 links) or the system would run out of energy to support higher trophic levels
  • Selection may potentially increase and decrease food chain lengths
  • Guilds
    Aggregations of single species or populations into similar functional types for simplicity
  • Compartmentalisation
    Webs can be compartmentalised into groups where interactions are strong, but between which interactions are weak
  • Ways to trace food webs
    • Observational data of feeding
    • Examination / analysis of waste
    • Isotope tracking
    • Ecotron
  • Food webs can be used to help build models of interactions and predict effects of changes, which is increasingly important for conservation and with problems like invasive species