Weather Patterns and seasons in the Philippines

Cards (34)

  • It is the condition of the atmosphere in a particular place within' a short period of time is known as the weather
  • It is the average weather condition in a region over a period of time called as the climate
  • Meteorologist is the people who study and forecast the weather
  • it refers to the hotness and coldness of air called the temperature
  • Barometer measures air pressure
  • Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor or moisture content in the air
  • Cumulus clouds is a type of cloud which appears like heaps of cotton in the sky, it brings good weather
  • Rain gauge refers to measure the amount of rainfall
  • It is a less strong east or northeast wind, which is cool and dry couples with prolonged periods of cloudless days also known as Amihan
  • It is defined as a time of the year as determined by the earth's position with respect to the sun, and as marked by different conditions of the weather known as the Season
  • Habagat is the Summer Southwest Monsoon has a prevailing wind from the west
  • Dry Season occurs from December to May
  • Wet season occurs from June to October
  • Amihan is characterized by moderate temperature and a prevailing wind from the east
  • Habagat is characterized by hot and humid weather and a prevailing wind from the west
  • Air pressure is a force that the air exerts by pushing all directions
  • Wind speed determines how fast the wind is blowing
  • Wind speed is measured by an anemometer
  • Wind direction determines where the wind is blowing from
  • Wind direction is determined by an Wind vane
  • Cirrus clouds are Thin, Hair-like or feather-like clouds that are long and thin found high on the sky
  • Nimbus Clouds is thick and dark with greyish color that bring much rain
  • Stratus Clouds appear as layers or flat sheets that also bring much rain
  • Clear sky is when there is no clouds in the sky
  • Partly Cloudy is when one-fourth of the sky is covered by the clouds
  • Generally cloudy is when half of the sky is cloudy
  • Cloudy Sky is when three-fourths of the sky is covered with clouds
  • Overcast when the sky is completely covered with clouds
  • Winter Northeast Monsoon is Amihan
  • Summer Southeast Monsoon is Habagat
  • Southwest Monsoon Or Habagat - occurs from June to October/November
  • Northeast Monsoon or Amihan - occurs from December to May
  • 4 types of clouds are : Stratus Clouds, Cumulus Clouds, Cirrus Clouds, Nimbus Clouds
  • Weather last for a Short period of time than Climate