NSDAP social policies

Cards (17)

  • What did women recieve for having children?

    Received medal for having children (4= bronze; 6-7 = silver; 8+= Gold)
  • Adolf Hitler Schools
    For the elite of the Hitler Youth, military style
  • Nazi brainwashing in all lessons – Anti-Jew, military success, Pro Aryans
  • Boys Activities
    • Activities to include ruthlessness and comradeship training for the army and map reading
  • Girls Activities
    • Emphasis on being good mother and living domestic lives. Taught to cook, iron and sew
  • All Sports groups were taken over by the Nazis, Hitler Youth made compulsory in 1936
  • Jewish people banned from state jobs e.g. teaching, journalism, law
  • Nuremberg Laws - Jewish people lost citizenship and the vote
  • Between 1934 and 1936 how many homosexuals were imprisoned

  • what happened in 1939?(to people with disabilities and babies)
    Babies born with severe mental or physical disabilities were not allowed to live. More than 5000 were killed
  • what happened in 1936?
    Roma communities were forced to live in special camps
  • what happened in 1933?
    Compulsory sterilisation of the ill, alcoholic, or deformed.
  • what happened in 1945?
    350,000 people had been forcibly sterilised
  • why were textbooks rewritten?
    Textbooks were rewritten to reflect Nazi ideas (History focused on military success and blaming)
  • what happened in 1942?
    Final solution implemented.
    6 Death Camps, including Auschwitz.
    6 million Jews murdered in total

  • what happened in 1938?
    Kristallnacht - mass violence against Jewish businesses and synagogues.
    30,000 Jews sent to concentration camps
  • what were women discouraged of wearing?
    wearing makeup and being independent