Module 3

Cards (25)

  • Globalization
    The deepening of interactions between states
  • International relations
    • Political, military, and other diplomatic engagements between two countries
  • Internationalization
    The deepening of interactions between states
  • Attributes of today's global system
    • Sovereignty
    • Diplomacy
    • International Organization
  • State
    • A country and its government which has four attributes: sovereignty, citizens, territory, government
  • Nation
    An "imagined community" or the people who have imbibed a particular culture, speak a common language, and live in a specific territory
  • The Treaty of Westphalia was signed
  • The Treaty of Westphalia recognized that the treaty signers exercise complete control over their domestic affairs and swear not to meddle in each other's affairs
  • Napoleon Bonaparte challenged the power of kings, nobility, and religion in Europe and implemented the Napoleonic Code
  • The Napoleonic Wars lasted
  • The Concert of Europe sought to restore the world of monarchial, hereditary, and religious privileges of the time before the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars
  • Internationalism
    A desire for greater cooperation and unity among states and people
  • Categories of Internationalism
    • Liberal Internationalism
    • Socialist Internationalism
  • Liberal Internationalism
    Immanuel Kant's vision of a form of global government
  • Jeremy Bentham
    Coined the term "international" in 1780 and advocated the creation of "international law" that would govern the inter-state relations
  • Giuseppe Mazzini
    Reconciled nationalism with liberal internationalism in the 19th century and believed that free, unified nation-states should be the basis of global cooperation
  • Woodrow Wilson
    Forwarded the principle of self-determination (belief that the world's nations had a right to a free and sovereign government)
  • Socialist Internationalism
    Karl Marx's belief that any true form of internationalism should deliberately reject nationalism
  • Karl Marx
    German socialist and internationalist philosopher who believed that any true form of internationalism should deliberately reject nationalism
  • Friedrich Engels
    Supported Karl Marx in a socialist revolution seeking to overthrow the state and alter the economy
  • Socialist International
    A union of European socialist and labor parties established in Paris in 1889 that achieved May 1 as Labor Day, 8-hr workday, and International Women's Day
  • Vladimir Lenin
    Leader of the Bolshevik Party during the Russian Revolution in 1917 who overthrown Czar Nicholas II and replaced Russia with a revolutionary government (beginnings of Communist parties)
  • Communist International (Cominterm)

    Served as the central body for directing Communist parties all over the world in 1919
  • Joseph Stalin
    Successor of Vladimir Lenin who appeased the Allied forces by dissolving the Cominterm in 1943 but re-established the Communist Information Bureau (Cominform) after WWII
  • Plato: 'The measure of a man is what he does with power'