Designed specifically to guarantee liberties and rights
Civil liberties
Personalfreedoms protected from arbitrarygovernmentalinterference or deprivations by constitutional guarantee
Public interest
The welfare or well-being of the generalpublic
Establishment Clause
Prevents the federalgovernment from establishing a nationalreligion
Free exercise clause
Prevents governments from stoppingreligious practices
Wall of separation
Created by Thomas Jefferson, church and state are separated due to the varyingreligions of the nation
Clear and present danger
Created to balance the act between competing demands of freeexpression and a government needing to protect a free society
Obscene scene
Languages and images that are so offensive to the average citizen that governments have banned them
"Breathing space"
Even falsestatements must be protected
Falsestatementsinprint about someone that defames or damages that person'sreputation
Prior restraint
The right to stop spoken or printedexpression in advance (BEFORE)
Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act
Established a five-daywaitingperiod for handgunpurchases to allow for a backgroundcheck
Gun Control Act
Ended mail-ordersales of all firearms and ammunition and banned the sale of guns to felons, fugitives, and illegal drug users, people with mental illness, and those dishonorably discharged from the military
National Firearms Act
Required registration of certainweapons, imposed a tax on the sale and manufacture of certain guns, and restricted the sale and ownership of high-risk weapons
Second Amendment
The right to bear arms
Eighth Amendment
Prevented cruel and unusualpunishment and excessivebail
Fourth Amendment
No unreasonablesearches and seizures
All the cellphonecommunicationinformation minus the actual conversation
Writs of assistance
Broad search warrants that enabled British soldiers to search any vessel, warehouse, home, or wagon
Due process
Fundamental fairness that ensures legitimategovernment in a democracy
Just compensation clause
A city must provide justcompensation when taking privateproperty for public use
Selective incorporation
The process of declaringonlycertain, or selected, provisions of the Billof Rights applicable to the states rather than all of them at once
Exclusionary rule
This states that evidence the governmentfinds or takes in violation of the Fourth Amendment cannot be used in trial
Due Process Clause in Fifth Amendment
Established that no person shall be "deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation"
Procedural due process
Addresses the manner in which the law is carriedout
Public safety exception
Courts have said that if the officer was acting in the name of public safety, a delayedreading or failure to read the warning would not necessarily exclude confessions or statements at court
Sixth Amendment
Right to an attorney
USA Freedom Act
Has altered the government's access to phone data, and prevents the government easy access to metadata by them having to receive a warrant for it
Hyde Amendment
Prevents federal funding that might contribute to an abortion
Substantive due process
Places substantive limits on what liberties the government can takeaway or deprive a citizen of
Damaging someone'sreputation by false statements
15th Amendment
Right to vote
24th Amendment
Outlaws poll tax
Strict scrutiny
The higheststandard of judicialreview
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Allowed federal registrars to register voters and outlawedliteracytests and other discriminatory tests in voter registration (prohibitsracialdiscrimination when voting)
Equal Rights Amendment
A constitutional amendment stating that "equality of rights under the law shall not be denied… on the account ofsex" *FAILED AMENDMENT*
civil rights are government guarantees of politicalequality
civil Liberties protect individuals from governmental interference
civil liberties are limited when they infringe on the public interest
Lemon v. Kurtzman
A court ruled that NewYork could not use statefunds to pay catholic school teachers
For something like this to be constitutional it would need to pass the Lemon Test
Have a secular (no religious) purpose
Neither advance nor prohibit religion
Not foster excessive government entanglement with religion