Lang Dulay 1998
t'nalak weaving
salinta monon 1998
inabal weaving
ikat means die or bound
uwang ahadas 2000
playing yakan instruments
federico caballero2000
chanting the sugidan epic of the panay bukidnon
the KARAY-A languange or KINARAY-A is an austronesian regional language spoken
alonzo saclag 2000
playing kalinga musical instruments
alonzo saclag
create dance patterns and moves related to rituals
hajja amina api 2004
matt weaving
eduardo mutuc 2004
metal planting
eduardo mutuc
he is an artist who has devoted his existence to developing religious and secular artworks in SILVER, BRONZE, and WOOD
darhata sawabi2004
pis yabit weaving
darhata sawabi
she remained devoted and persevered with her mission to teach the artworks of pis yabit weaving
magdalena gamayo 2012
abel weaving
magdalena gamayo
she has been a master in a bell weaving
teofilo garcia 2012
katukong or tabungaw hat making
teofilo garcia
he introduced katuking or tabungaw hat making
Tabungaw is a ilokano term upo
ambalang ausali 2016
yakan weaving
ambalang ausali
she introduced yakan weaving
suwah bekkat
cross stitch like embellishment
suwah pendan
embroidery like embellishment
Yabing Masalon Dulo 2016
b'laan ikat or tie-dye weaving
b'laan matt weaving
hajja amina api
she was recognized as the master of matt weaver her colorful matts with her complex geometric patterns showcased her preciae sense of design, proportion, symmetry, and sensitivity to color
uwang ahadas
he referred to for his ability and mastery in playing different yakan instruments made of bamboo, wood, and metal and for imparting his insights to the youngster of his local
salinta monon
she was awarded for fully demonstrating the creative and expressive aspects of bagobo abbaka ikat or the ikat weaving
lang dulay
she is credited wuth preserving her peoples tradition T'NALAK using abajja fibers as fine as hairwhich traditionally has three primary colors, RED/BLACK/ORIGINAL COLOR of abakalib
• crocodiles, butterflies and flowers
samaon sulaiman
he achieved the highest level of excellence in the art of playing KUTIYAPI or KUDYAPI or two-stringed lute
masini intaray
he is and outstanding master of BASAL, GONG MUSIC, KULILAL a highly lyrical poem and BAGIT an instrumental music played on the kusyapi. Also played the ARUDING is a jew's harp, BABARAK a ring flut.
• he was a prolific and preminent epic chanter and storyteller
is a poem consisting of seven-syllables lines
national commision to culture and the arts (NCCA)
the highest policy-making and coordinating body for culture and the arts of the state
made by adhering four elements such us newspaper or magazine, cut-outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. to a flat surface to create a thick layer that is almost like a relief sculpture
found objects
they originate from the french object trouve, describing art created from undisguised, but often modified, objects or products that are normally considered materials from which art is a made, often because they already have a non-art function
found objects
the idea is that things that we often view as junk are actually more valuable than we think that they are.
found objects
everything you find can be used to tell a story, or to create a new dicirse perspectives