The auditor should obtain an understanding of the entity, its environment, and its internal control.
Establishing materiality and evaluating whether the judgment about materiality remains appropriate as audit progresses.
Considering the appropriateness of the selection and application of accountingpolicies and adequacy of disclosures.
Identifying where special audit consideration may be necessary
Developing expectations for use for analyticalprocedures.
Inquiries - towards those charged with governance about the environment in which the FS are prepared
Inquiriesofemployees involved in initiating, processing or recording complex or unusual transactions about appropriateness of the selection and application of certain accounting policies.
In analytical procedures the auditor develops epectations about plausible (likely) relationship that are resonably expected to exist.
The susceptibility of an account balance or class of transactions to MATERIAL MISSTATEMENTS, whether as an individual account or in total, IFno related control exist.
Inherent risk is beyond control of the auditor and generally beyond control of entity
The auditor must see to it the proper recording of the following are made to the compliance on PSAs; (1) Overallauditstrategy, (2) RiskAssessmentlevel, (3) The Audit Plan, (4) Anysignificant changes