All rules of conduct established and enforced by authority, legislation or custom of a given community, state or other group
A proposed Act that is before the Legislative Assembly for consideration
A bill that is passed by the Legislative Assembly after its Third Reading becomes law
What an Act Contains
Acts explain certain definitions used under the act
Detailed lists/principal document
The largest portion of a written law and serves to divide different content areas within the law
Sections, Subsections, Clauses
Small, distinct, numbered subdivision of an Act
Deals with topics related to the Act, interpretation/description of procedures in an Act, supporting more detail "rules" to be followed
Encompasses both Acts and Regulations
Health Canada
Most provincial legislation about pharmacy comes from FDA
Pharmaceutical Drugs Directorate
Medical devices bureau
Special access program
Food & Drugs Act (FDA)
Gives federal minister of health the authority to: Regulate, Inspect, Seize, Impose penalties
All drugs important or manufactured must be approved by Health Canada
A "advertising"
B "books"
C "radio"
D "immunoglobulin D"
F -> Prescription Drug List
G "controlled drugs"
Prescription Drug List
Criteria: Drug that requires supervision of practitioner for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of a disease or disorder for which drug is recommended & for monitoring drug's use, Consideration to lvl of uncertainty with the drug's use or its effects, Potential harm that a drug could cause that would require supervision by a practitioner
Prescription Drug List sections
Products for human use
Products for veterinary use
Food & Drug Regulations
A -> administration
B -> food production & food safety and inspection
C -> drugs & defines rules for dispensing
D -> vitamins, minerals & amino acids
E -> cyclamate & saccharin sweeteners
G -> controlled drugs
J -> restricted drugs
Person who is entitled under laws of a province to treat patients with a prescription drug and is practicing their profession in that province
Child resistant package
Package that meets child test protocol requirements of Canadian Standards Associations (CSA) or other standards as specified in the Food & Drug Regulations
PR -> prescription
N -> narcotics
C -> controlled drugs
T/C -> benzos & other targeted substances
Natural Health Products Regulations
Medical Devices Regulations
Regulated by Federal government, Process for approving a drug is regulated from beginning to end: Providing clinical evidence for efficacy & safety of drug, Raw materials used to manufacture drug, Final drug product
Number given to a product once it is approved
Distribution of drugs
Regulated through Drug Establishment License by Health Canada, permits: Manufacturing, Packaging, Wholesale
Regulated by provincial/territorial bodies, Compounded products: Are prepared pursuant to prescription w/in an established pharmist-pt relationship, Requires consultation btwn pharmacist & pt, Provide customized therapeutic solution to improve pt care
Compounding is considered a controlled act & within scope of practice for pharmacy but also for physicians & nurses
Health Canada's Policy on Manufacturing & Compounding Drug Products in Canada
Recalls (lvl determined by Health Products & Foods Branch)
Type 1 (most serious): Reasonable probability that use or exposure to product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death
Type 2: Use or exposure to product may cause temp adverse consequences or where the probability of serious health consequences is remote
Type 3: Use or exposure to product is not likely to cause any adverse health consequences
Provides consumers, pts & health professionals w/ access to report adverse reactions or side effects & find new safety info on drugs or products, Suspected adverse drug reactions are mandatory requirement for manufacturers -> must be reported w/in 15 days to Health Canada
Canada VigilanceProgram
Health Canada Drug Product Database
NAPRA - National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities
Schedule assigned may be based on: Strength or dosage, Package size, Route of admin, Indication
A number of drugs have multiple listings (ex. 1, 2, 3…) so it is important to read the notes to understand rationale for scheduling
Federal acts
Provincial acts
Regulated health professions act
Drug & pharmacy regulations act (dpra)
Ontario drug benefit act
Regulatory bodies
Health Canada
All rules of conduct established & enforced by authority, legislation or custom of a given community, state or other group
A proposed act that is before the legislative assembly for consideration