Cards (19)

  • Cornea - the only part of the body without blood supply
  • Leukocyte - cells play a role in body defense
  • Heart - first organ develop in fetus
  • Seven - how many true ribs present in the human body
  • Hypoxia - the lack of oxygen in the tissue
  • 206 - total of all the bones in the human body
  • The law of energy conservation - states that cannot be created nor destroy but can be only transformed from one to another
  • Radiation - the transfer of electromagnetic energy by waves
  • Conduction - the transfer of heat energy by direct contact between particles
  • Convection - the transfer of heat energy through the movement of fluids
  • Mechanical energy
    • makes work easier and faster
    • it can generate electricity
    • it makes things move
  • Chemical energy
    • used as fuel
    • it sustain life
    • used to generate electricity
    • it can produce sound and light
  • Radiant energy
    • used for food
    • used for heating up earth
    • it gives light and color to the surrounding
    • used for heating and drying
  • Inclined plane - is a simple machine that has a sloping surface
  • Lever - is a device which has a fulcrum or a pivot point the effort and where force is applied
  • Wedge - is a double inclined plane that is sharpened
  • Screw - that is wrapped around a central
  • Pulley - the groove prevent the rope from sliding
  • Wheel and axle - has the same appearance as pulley but it has that is fixed to the axle