Cards (5)

    • Were free from psychopathology
    • Had progressed through the hierarchy of need
    • Embraced the Being-values
    • Metaneeds: Ultimate level of needs
    • Metamotivation: Motives of the self-actualizers
    • “Full use of talents, capacities, and potentialities”
  • Being Values - Described as eternal verities.
    • Are embraced by the selfactualizing people
    • Leads to existential illness when not met
    • Deprivation results in metapathology (lack of a meaningful philosophy of life)
  • Being-values: Humor, autonomy, truth, goodness, wholeness, beauty, aliveness, uniqueness, perfection, completion, justice, simplicity, totality, effortlessness.
  • Self-actualizing people are capable of both giving and receiving love and are no longer motivated by the kind of deficiency love (D-love) common to other people.
  • Self-actualizing people are capable of B-love, that is, love for the essence or “Being” of the other (is mutually felt and shared and not motivated by a deficiency or incompleteness within the lover).