Stroke: A neurological deficit of sudden onset accompanied by focal dysfunction and symptoms lasting more than 24h that are presumed to be of non-traumatic vascular origin.
Transientischemicattack: symptoms that last less than 24 hours
If there is trauma, it will be categorized under head trauma
All disorders that ruptured blood flow from the brain, whether due to occluding blood vessels or hemorrhaging results from the ruptured blood vessels = CVA or cerebrovascular accidents
CVA: sudden onset, no chronicity
CVA: focal neurologic deficits greater than 24 hours
focal deficits mean problems with motorfunctions, speech, cognition
CVA (vascular origin): the problem lies under the blood vessels. either occluded or the blood vessels is ruptured.
stroke: leading cause of adult disability
transient ischemic attack: Neurological events that have a duration shorter than 24h, followed by complete return to baseline (complete recovery). must resolve within 15-30 mins
TIA: signal of an impending sign of stroke. 35% precedes with stroke
TIA: acquire 2d echo to know whether it is thrombi or emboliformation, and where did it come from
thrombus: stasis, where the clot happens, it only stays there.
embolus: moving blood clot, possibly coming from the heart.
toomuchviscousness, you place the patient under blood thinners.
heart problem, it is structural = valvulardefect, higher tendency that the clot in the heart will be dislodged and sasama sa circulation.
2d echo: to see if it is cardioembolic in nature. problem in valve, higher chances of developing clot, arrythmias
non-modifiable risk factors: age, malesex, familyhistory (cardiac problem, blood problem, history of stroke/TIA), race, blacks (caucasian)
2d echo: to know if it is cardioembolic in nature. Arrhythmias that cause clotting of the blood in the heart, this needs to be addressed immediately and not the stroke itself because it will develop a series of stroke because the origin which is the heart was not able to be resolved.
ischemicstroke: 85%, thrombotic or embolic in nature
ischemic stroke: blood clotting only, no rupture of vessel, vasation, hemorrhage
ischemic stroke: caused by interruption of oxygen and blood supply to a particular/specific part of the brain
cause of ischemic stroke: hyperlipidemia
hyperlipidemia: too much fats in the vessels.
flow of blood -> attracts platelets and clotting factors -> total occlusions
the larger the clot = ischemic stroke
ischemic: thrombotic, local origin of the clot. atheroslerosis
ischemic stroke: usually develops at night during sleep, symptoms perceived in the morning, suspect history of atherosclerosis, hypercoagulable state, 50% of all stroke cases
ischemic stroke: affects larger cerebral arteries
common site na tinutubuan ng ischemic (thrombotic): bifurcation of carotid artery (internal and external)
ischemic (emboli): proximal origin of the clot, galing sa malayo
ischemic emboli: occurs anytime, during strenuous or vigorous activities
ischemic emboli: history of arterial fibrillation, thromboembolism from MI
ischemic emboli: 32% of all strokes
majority of cases of thrombus are related to atherosclerosis
ischemic emboli: common site is in the bifurcation of middle cerebral artery
Cerebral blood flow provides brain oxygen for energy at a rate of 55ml/100 gms of brain/ min.
When rate is <8-10 ml/ 100 gms/ min -> cell membrane failure -> cell death. this is called electrical silence.