managed manually, starting from patient registration to consultation
Time Consuming
Risk of having duplicate records
Improper Storage of these documents
High Cost of maintaining proper stprage
Disadvantages of Creating Documents
Do not have real-time data
Delays in the receipt of data post
Accurate and real time records of equipment and drugs could not be obtained in a timely manner
Disadvantages of Hospitals using traditional manual Process
Problems in accountability
Monitoring of expiry dates, stocks, and auto indenting
Result of not obtaining accurate and real time records of equipment and drugs in a timely manner
Lack of standards in filing names and codes in the institution
Why do inventory of medicine and equipment considered a tedious task?
Health Management Information System (HMIS)
According to WHO (2004), it is specially designed to assist in the management and planning of health programs, as opposed to delivery of health care
component of HMIS refers to clinical studies to understand medical terminologies, clinical procedures, and database processes
refers to the principles that help administer the health care enterprise
information system
refers to the ability to analyze and implement applications for efficient and effective transfer of patient information
one of the six building blocks essential for health system strengthening
data collection system specifically designed to support planning, management, and decision-making in health facilities and organization
set of integrated components and procedures organized with the objective of generating information that will improve health care management decisions at all levels of the health system
routine monitoring system that evaluates the process with the intention of providing warning signals through the use of indicators
At the health unit level, it is used by the health unit in-charge and the Health Unit Management Committee to plan and coordinate health care services in their catchment area
Relevant, Functional, Integrated, Collected
Concepts that are the framework in developing HMIS; Characteristics of Information Collected:
information collected is ____________ to the policies and goals of the health care institution, and to the responsibilities of the health professionals at the level of collection
information collected is ____________ as it is to be used immediately for management and should not wait for feedback from higher levels
information collected is ____________ for there is one set of forms and no duplication of reporting
information is ____________ on a routine basis from every health unit
provide quality info to support decision making at all levels of the HCS
major role of HMIS
Health Inforrmation
aims to aid in the setting of performance targets at all levels of health service delivery and to assist in assessing performance at all levels of the health sector