Focuses on the biblical and ethnic explanation of the origin of human
6 days of Creation
1. Day and Night
2. Sky and Sea
3. Birds and Fishes
4. Heavenly Bodies
5. Man and Animals
6. Land and Plants
Story of Adam and Eve
A creation myth from Abrahamic religions which centers on the belief that humanity is a single family descended from a single pair of original ancestors
Si Malakas at Si Maganda
A creation myth from the Philippines which focuses on the belief that all human races and social classes begin with a single origin
Creation myths/theories
They are still questionable and uncertain due to lack of evidence aside from what the Bible says
A theory that the Earth had largely been shaped by sudden, short-lived but violent events, possibly worldwide in scope
Mystery of Human Existence
Where did human beings come from? Why only the Earth has humans? Are we the only planet in this universe who has living organisms?
These questions led to the continuous exploration of human in seeking explanation of their existence
Theories and beliefs created to justify and understand human existence
Creation myth/theory
Scientific theory
Creation myth/theory
Focuses on the biblical and ethnic explanation of the origin of human
6 days of Creation
1. Day and Night
2. Sky and Sea
3. Birds and Fishes
4. Heavenly Bodies
5. Man and Animals
6. Land and Plants
A creation myth from Abrahamic religions which centers on the belief that humanity is a single family descended from a single pair of original ancestors
Si Malakas at Si Maganda
A creation myth from the Philippines which focuses on the belief that all human races and social classes begin with a single origin
Creation myths/theories are still questionable and uncertain due to lack of evidence aside from what the Bible says
A theory that the Earth had largely been shaped by sudden,short-lived but violent events, possibly worldwide in scope
Possible examples of catastrophic events
Collision of asteroid in Earth/eruption of volcano (volcanism) - Age of Dinosaur
Great Flood - Noah's Time
It is still unsure if the extinction of dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid impact or major volcanic eruption
A meteorite impact structure called Chicxulub was found in the Gulf of Mexico near the Yucatan Peninsula, approximately 120 mi (180 mi) wide and 1 mi (1.6 km) deep
The Chicxulub impact produced a thin layer of clay that contains elements rare on Earth but abundant in meteorites, and minerals that can only be formed under very high pressure
Dust within the clay also suggests the Chicxulub impact triggered extensive wildfires, slowed photosynthesis and caused global cooling
A theory that the Earth changes gradually over long periods of time and rejected the idea that sudden cataclysmic events played any significant role in the formation of the Earth's surface
Uniformitarianism suggests the same processes that operate today have always been occurring since the beginning of time, and all events are uniform in terms of occurrence
Natural selection
A theory that living organisms transform, change and adapt to their environment in order to survive
Stages of human evolution
Early hominins
Homo habilis
Homo erectus
Homo sapiens
Early hominins
Existence: 23 to 2.6 million years ago, Location: Africa, Description: First ancestor of the human race, Large but weak teeth, Forest inhabitants
Existence: 4.4 to 1.4 million years ago, Location: South, North & EastAfrica, Description: Nearest ape-ancestor of the human race, First ape-ancestor to be bipedal
Homo habilis
Existence: 2.1 to 1.5 million years ago, Location: Oldovai, Tanzania in Kenya, Description: Mostprimitive ancestor of the human race, First human ancestor to usestone tools (Oldowan tools), Called "the handyman"
Homo erectus
Existence: 1.89 million to 143,000 years ago, Location: Asia & Africa, Description: First human ancestor to stand and walk upright without assistance, Called "the upright man"
Homo sapiens
Existence: 1.8 to 0.1 million years ago, Location: Africa, Europe & Asia, Description: Ancestor of modernhuman, The word "sapiens" means "wise"
Existence: 30,000 years ago, Location: Europe, Asia & Africa, Description: Homo sapiens living in Europe, Height ranging from 5'5 to 5'7, Brain relatively larger than modern humans
Existence: 400,000 - 40,000 years ago, Location: Neader, Germany, Description: Nearest human-like species in the evolution line, Brain as large as humans
Summary of Stone Ages
Aspect of life: Hunting/gathering, Tools/weapons: Rough stones, Race/species: Hominins, Australopithecus, Habilis, Erectus, Sapiens, Contribution: Use oftools
Aspect of life: Hunting/gathering, Tools/weapons: Shaped-rough stones, Race/species: Sapiens, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthals, Modernhuman, Contribution: Fire
Aspect of life: Foodproduction/domestication, Tools/weapons: Shaped-smooth stones, Race/species: Sapiens, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthals, Modern human, Contribution: Storing of food, Wheel, Agriculture, Government
Why study these things: 1) To know the physical and biological development of human, 2) To know the cultural evolution of human development, 3) To know the economic changes in human development