Electrochemical Reactions

Cards (12)

  • Galvanic Cell
    A cell in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy.
  • Oxidation
    Oxidation is the loss of electrons.
    • An increase in oxidation number.
  • Reduction
    Reduction is the gain of electrons.
    • A decreasing in oxidation number.
  • Oxidizing Agent
    A substance that is reduced/gains electrons.
  • Reducing Agent
    A substance that is oxidised/loses electrons.
    Anode: Electrode where oxidation takes place.
    Cathode: Electrode where reduction takes place.
  • Electrolyte
    A substance that dissolves in water to give a solution that conducts electricity.
  • Electrolytic Cell
    A cell in which electrical energy is converted to chemical energy.
  • Electrolysis
    The chemical process in which electrical energy is converted into chemical energy.
    Anode = where Oxidation takes place, and oxidation is the loss of electrons.
    Cathode = where Reduction takes place, and reduction is the gain of electrons.
  • Conductivity
    A measure of how well a solution can conduct electricity.
  • Reducing agent:
    A substance that is oxidized.