Believe God created the universe, but they often disagree about how and when this was done
Genesis 1
Contains two creation stories
Genesis 1:1-2:3 explains how God created the universe over six days and then rested on the seventh
It stresses that God created humans in his image (Genesis 1:27)
Shows God creating by speaking, for example: "Let there be light," and "there was light"
Genesis 2
Explains how God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him
He creates animals as companions for man, but none are suitable
Finally, God creates woman from one of the man's rib bones
Some Christians believe these chapters are literal, but others believe they are more symbolic
The Big Bang Theory
The universe began around 13.8 billion years ago as an explosion of high-density matter and energy
Everything in the universe was formed by the matter from the explosion
Stars and planets formed first
Supporters say the universe still seems to be expanding and we can detect background radiation left over from the Big Bang
George Lemaitre, the man who first suggested the idea of the Big Bang Theory, was a Roman Catholic priest
Sanctity of life
The religious belief that life is sacred
Sanctity of life
Many religious people agree with it because they believe God has given life and only he can take it away
It says that God decides when a person is born and dies - humans should not make those choices
Quality of life
The general enjoyment and wellbeing of a person
Quality of life
Some people argue that if quality of life is low, then that life could be ended because it isn't worth living
Many religious people disagree and argue that every life is sacred and every moment in life is precious regardless of quality
The process where all life began with simple cells and evolved over many millions of years by natural selection
Charles Darwin published On the Origin of the Species in 1859 and argued for this theory
Evolution happens when random mutations happen in species and the best adapted to their environment survive - 'survival of the fittest'
Darwin's theory says humans are part of the animal kingdom, not separate from it - human life developed from apes
Christian and Jewish creation accounts
The accounts found in Genesis 1-2 that describe how God created birds, fish, creatures, plants and humans
Christian and Jewish creation accounts
The first story (Genesis 1-2:3) says God created humans on the sixth day of creation in his image (in imago dei)
The second story (Genesis 2:4-25) says God created a man from the dust of the ground, breathed life into him and then made a woman from one of his rib bones
If we take the biblical account of creation literally
It clashes with Darwin's theory of Evolution which says humans and other life developed from lower life forms over millions of years
Biblical account of creation
It says humans were deliberately designed as the highest form of creation
In the first creation story, humans are created last - the pinnacle of creation
It says that humans evolved with no intention behind this evolution, which contrasts with the idea that humans are created imago dei (in the image of God)
While some Christians and Jews choose to take the biblical accounts literally, many others take a spiritual message from Genesis and accept the scientific account of Evolution
Theistic Evolution
The belief that they accept evolution as fact, but they believe God set the whole process in motion
The removal of a foetus (a human organism in the womb before birth) from the womb before it can survive
Abortion in England, Scotland and Wales
Legal before the 24th week of pregnancy if two doctors agree that the pregnancy poses a mental or physical risk to the mother or child
Non-religious perspectives on abortion
Many atheists support a woman's right to choose whether she has an abortion
Humanists stress that maintaining a person's quality of life is more important than protecting a potential life
Arguments about the time limit for terminating pregnancies
The limit should be viability - when the foetus could survive outside of the womb (usually 22-24 weeks)
There shouldn't be a time limit on abortions
Christian perspectives on abortion
Christians are not in favour of abortion
They believe in the sanctity of life - the idea that all life is created by God and so it is sacred
Sanctity of life
An important Christian teaching, especially for Catholics
Only God can decide when life begins and ends because he created it and all life is sacred
Christians believe that God created humans in his image and so human life should be protected
Genesis 1:27 NIV: ''So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.''
Catholic belief on when life begins
Life begins at conception
The Catechism of the Catholic teaches that, from conception, the foetus (unborn child) has all the rights that we have as people
CCC 2270: ''From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.''
Psalm 139:16 NIV: ''Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.''
Jeremiah 1:4-5: ''The word of the Lord came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."''
Catholic perspective on abortion
Abortion is murder and unacceptable because they believe life begins at conception
CCC 2270: ''Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.''
Doctrine of double effect
Abortion is only permitted if a moral good (e.g. saving a mother's life) involves an evil side-effect (e.g. removing a foetus that is implanted outside the womb during an ectopic pregnancy, which would threaten the mother's life) and the side-effect was not directly intended
Other Christian perspectives on abortion
The Church of England is opposed to abortion but believes it is acceptable in some situations, especially to save the mother's life or in the case of serious foetal disability
Many others would permit it if the pregnancy began with a rape
The Quakers believe that a woman's life should always be protected and valued ahead of the life of the foetus
Two Christian concepts relating to the natural world
Natural revelation
God has revealed his presence to believers through the world
Christians believe God gave them authority over creation
Genesis 1:26: ''So that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.''
The responsibility to look after God's creation
Christian organisations promoting stewardship
Christian Aid
Operation Noah
CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development)
Christian perspectives on animal rights
God has given us the right to use animals as we please (dominion)
We are responsible for caring for the animal world (stewardship)