there are two types of conditioning - classical and operant.
classical conditioning is where behaviour is learnt through association - associating two things together, to give the same response to both.
Pavlov established the concept of classical conditioning through his work with dogs, where he trained them to salivate at the sound of a bell.
the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) results in the unconditioned response (UCR.)
neutral stimulus (NS) is presented at the same time as the UCS.
when the NS causes the same response as the UCS on its own, this is the conditionedstimulus (CS) resulting in the conditioned response (CR.)
operant conditioning is where behaviour is learnt through reinforcement - reinforcement refers to something that will increase the likelihood of a behaviour occuring again, it can be positive or negative.
there is also operant punishment - this weakens behaviour, and therefore decreases the chance of that behaviour happening again.
for example, the Reinforcement Affect Model suggests relationships are learnt through classical conditioning.
classical conditioning leads us to like people who are nearby when we feel good.
even if they aren't involved in making us feelgood, after a while, we will associate them with the goodfeeling such that whenever we see them, we feel good.