Using smallpox as an example, describe how inoculation and vaccination have led to the eradication of a human-only disease
1. Smallpox in the Ancient and New World - Long relationship with disease unique to humans killed millions
2. Variola major/minor spread through contact with living sufferers, dead bodies
3. Especially harsh on previously unexposed populations - 1/3 of Aztecs died following Spanish invasion
4. Smallpox scars on mummified features of pharaoh Ramses V
5. Smallpox and the Elizabethans - From 1500s onwards disease reached most parts of world
6. Survivors carried legacies of smallpox for life – blindness, scars – 'pock-marked'
7. Shaped beauty patches to camouflage damage
8. Coated faces with white lead powder
9. Combating the smallpox epidemic - Scarred survivors gained lifelong immunity
10. Inducing immunity first exploited in China
11. Inoculation from as early as 10th C AD
12. Provoke mild form of disease in healthy people by variolation e.g. blowing powdered smallpox scabs up nose or putting infected needle into muscle
13. Preventing disease - Local knowledge - itinerant practitioners, word of mouth
14. Early 1700s - smallpox inoculation (variolation) in parts of Africa, India, Ottoman Empire
15. 1717 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu saw local women giving inoculations at 'smallpox parties' in Istanbul
16. On returning to Britain, children inoculated during outbreak 1721
18. USA - Cotton Mather (churchman) told about inoculation by Onesimus - enslaved Sudanese worker - received treatment as a child
20. Mather and Zabdiel Boylston (doctor) campaigned for inoculation – much hostility
21. Ideas spread eventually
22. Vaccination - Smallpox killed 10% of population in UK
23. Edward Jenner 1749-1823 - English country doctor, keen inoculator, developed safer, more effective vaccination
24. Milkmaids caught cowpox (Variolae vaccinae) gained immunity from more dangerous smallpox
25. 1796 successfully induced immunity using cowpox pustules in local boy, James Phipps
26. "Saved more lives than the work of any other human"
27. The slow decline of smallpox - 1853 Smallpox vaccination compulsory
28. Many other vaccines developed
29. Global Smallpox Eradication Programme achieved aim in 1979