Eye witness testimony

Cards (13)

  • What are the two types of misleading information?
    Leading questions
    Post-event discussion
  • What is a leading question?

    Questions that suggest a desired answer
  • What is post-event discussion?
    Information given after an event with potential to influence the memory of it
  • Who did the research for EWT?
    Loftus and Palmer
  • What did Loftus and Palmer do?

    Shows Ps traffic collisions and then asked, “how fast were the cars going when they….
    • Bumped
    • Smashed
    • Hit
    • Collided
    into each other?”
  • What did Loftus and Palmer find?
    ‘Smashed’ - Ps said 40mph
    ’Contacted’ - Ps said 31mph
  • What did Loftus and Palmer conclude?
    EWT may be altered depending on how the questions are asked
  • What are the explanations for why peoples EWT is altered?
    • Respons—bias factors - misleading information may have influenced the answer but didn’t lead to a false memory
    • Altered memories - some critical words will change perception of event
  • What did Loftus and Palmer do in their second experiment?

    Repeated the experiment then asked Ps a week later if they saw broken glass (there wasn’t any)
  • What did Loftus find in her second experiment?

    Ps who were asked the ’smahed’ question were more likely to report broken glass
  • What did Loftus conclude in her second experiment?

    Memory is easily distorted by questioning technique
  • What are the strengths of Loftus and Palmers study?
    • Lab experiment so control over confounding variables
    • Taught us to not ask leading questions
    • Applications - the Devlin report
  • What are the weaknesses of Loftus and Palmers experiment?
    • Lacks ecological validity - video
    • Demand characteristics
    • Students used in experiment so unrepresentative sample