LO1.3 Harm and abuse

Cards (14)

  • Intentional abuse - deliberate harm or abuse
  • Unintentional abuse - harm caused through poor , substandard care
  • physical abuse
    • rough handling
    • hitting slapping, biting, punching
    1. no explanation of injuries
    2. frequent injuries
    3. failure to seek medical treatment
  • domestic abuse
    • physical
    • emotional
    • sexual
    1. low self esteem
    2. isolation
    3. physical evidence of abuse - bruising / cuts
  • Sexual abuse
    • sexual photography
    • rape
    • inappropriate touch anywhere
    1. reluctant to be alone with a specific person
    2. pregnancy in women who unable to consent to sexual intercourse
    3. STD
  • Phycological or emotional abuse
    • failure to respect privacy
    • intimidation and harassment
    • threats of harm or abandonment
    1. change in phycological state
    2. low self esteem
    3. signs of distress
  • Financial or material abuse
    • theft of money or possessions
    • preventing someone from accessing their own money
    • someone moving into their home rent free with no agreement
    1. unexplained lack of money
    2. missing personal possessions
  • Modern slavery
    • forces labour
    • human trafficking
    1. isolation
    2. always wearing same clothes
    3. fear of law enforcers
  • Discriminatory abuse
    • unequal treatment based on protected characteristic
    • verbal abuse related to protected characteristic
    1. withdrawn or isolated
    2. expressions of frustration or anger
  • Organisational or institutional abuse
    • lack of leadership or supervision
    • abusive and disrespectful attitudes
    • failure to respond to complaints
    1. poor standards of care
    2. inadequate staffing levels
    3. lack of management support
  • Neglect and acts of omission
    • ignoring and isolating individuals
    • preventing them from making their own decisions
    1. untreated injuries
    2. malnutrition
    3. accumilation of untaken medication
  • Self neglect
    • lack of self care - threatens personal health and safety
    • failure to seek help
    1. poor personal hygiene
    2. malnutrition
    3. neglecting household maintenance
  • Affects on individuals
    • loss of independence
    • withdrawn
    • low self esteem
    • depression and anxiety
    • learning abusive behaviour
    • anger or fear
  • Consequence of abuse
    • training
    • sacked or fired
    • loss of professional status
    • imprisonment
    • financial loss