Religious language must be able to be proven wrong
Who came up with the falsification principle?
What was Flew’s parable?
2 explorers (believer and sceptic) come across a garden. The believer says someone must look after it. The sceptic disagrees
They wait for the gardener to arrive and he never does
The believer says he must be invisible, and they set traps to catch him
When they don’t catch him, the believer adjusts his beliefs to fit with what they have found, but still says there is a gardener
The sceptic asks “what remains of your original assertion? How does an invisible, intangible gardener differ from and imaginary gardener or no gardener at all?”
What does Flew say happens when we try and describe God?
He dies a death of a thousandqualifications - we define him out of existence
What makes a statement meaningful for Flew?
It must assert something, and deny the opposite of that assertion
What does Flew ask?
“Under what circumstances would you change your mind?”
If you don’t have an answer there is no point in saying anything at all
Who came up with ’bliks’?
R. M. Hare
What is a ’blik’?
A belief we have that may be right or wrong, but impacts the life of the individual with that blik
What is Hare’s example of a blik?
A lunatic is convinced all university dons are out to get him, despite all counter-evidence for this
What are religious claims to Hare?
Expressions of personal attitudes. They are not testable
Who came up with the parable of the partisan?
What is the parable of the partisan?
A country is occupied by the enemy during war and the partisan is a resistance fighter
A stranger asks the partisan to trust him
The stranger is sometimes seen to be working against the partisan, but the partisan continues to trust the stranger
The partisan convinces himself there is an explanation
How does Mitchell use the parable of the partisan?
Religious language is cognitive - there is evidence for belief we just don’t know it yet. The stranger is on one side or another, we just don’t know
What is cognitive language?
Language is true or false
What is non-cognitive language?
Language is not true or false it is just an expression