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  • A mutation in the gene coding for the beta chain of haemoglobin causes sickle cell anaemia
  • When the 4 polypeptide chains curl up in the RBC, they form a specific 3D shape
  • If O2 levels fall, valine forms bonds with themselves that stick haemoglobin molecules together
  • Haemoglobin molecules sticking together produces long chains of clumped haemoglobin molecules
  • RBC is pulled out of its biconcave shape and produces a banana shape
  • Sickled blood cell haemoglobin is less effective and has a smaller surface area, meaning less oxygen is carried
  • Sickle cell is caused by a mutation in the gene that codes for the haemoglobin proteins
  • Symptoms of sickle cell anaemia include fatigue, extreme pain and even strokes