Cards (9)

  • Negative comment about your website is a room for improvement and should not be taken personally
  • Multimedia is the itegration of multiple forms of media. this includes text, graphics, audio, video, etc. For example, a presentation involving audio and video clips would be considered a "multimedia presentation."
  • Videos - a recording of moving pictures and sound, especially as a digital file, DVD, etc.
  • Sound, Music or Audio - a sound recording, or recorded sound
  • Online Games - games that can be run in the most updated web browsers (also called browser-based games)
  • Online Tests - online survey forms and tests that automatically display the results when finished
  • Courseware - online courses that simulate the classroom online
  • Podcasts - an episodic series of audio or text files streamed online
  • Vodcasts - an episodic series of video streamed online