Zimbardo's experiment

Cards (5)

  • Stanford Prison Experiment:
    • mock prison in the basement of Stanford Uni
    • 24 US male student volunteers
    • psychological assessment done before to choose psychologically healthy participants
    • agreed to participate for 7-14 days
    • paid $15 a day
    • randomly assigned the role of prisoner or guard
    • prisoners unexpectantly arrested at home
    • prisoners deloused, given prison uniform and ID number
    • guards were given uniforms, clubs, whistles and reflective sunglasses
    • guards were told to run prison but NOT harm prisoners
  • Zimbardo took the role of the superintendent and investigator
  • Planned duration was 2 weeks but stopped after 6 days
  • Zimbardo wanted to see how how readily people would conform to social roles
  • Evaluation:
    • Demand characteristics- the participants were just playing a role
    • lack population validity as sample comprised of only US male participants
    • ethical criticisms such as uninformed consent and right to withdraw