A period of development in the latter half of the 18th century, where there is changefromoneeconomytoanother
Industrial Revolution
Involves technological, socioeconomic, and culturalaspects
Occurs when technological change fundamentally transforms the way in which a society carries out the production and distribution of goods
The discovery of new products and processes
The commercialization (bringing to the market) of new products or processes
Product innovation
Results in the production of a new product, such as the change from a three-wheel car to a four-wheel car, or the change from LP (Long Play/Playing) records to CDs (Compact Discs)
Process innovation
Increases the efficiency of the methods of production of existing products, for example the invention of the assembly-line technique
First Industrial Revolution - 1765
Products / Services – Vegetables, Coal, Iron, Discovery of chemicals
Transportation – Railroads, Basic farming
Production System – Manual Labor to mechanical
Communication - Printed materials
Second Industrial Revolution - 1870
Significant evolution: Development of electricity, Internal-combustion engine, Railway, Chemical industry