
Cards (7)

  • Independent variable (IV)

    The aspect of the experiment which has been manipulated by the researcher or simply changes naturally to have an effect on the DV
  • Dependent variable (DV)

    The aspect of the study which is measured by the researcher and has been caused by a change to the IV
  • Extraneous variable
    Any other variable which is not the IV that affects the DV and does not vary systematically with the IV
  • Confounding variable
    A variable other than the IV which has an effect on the DV and changes systematically with the IV
  • control variable
    A factor that researchers ensure is the same in all conditions to make the study replicable and to avoid extraneous variables
  • participant variable

    Differences between the people taking part in the study which act as Extraneous variables
  • situational variables
    Differences between the environments of each condition in the study which act as Extraneous variables