Cards (211)

  • Economic agents

    Households, firms that operate in the private sector of an economy and the government
  • Economic good
    A product that has undergone production and incurs an opportunity cost
  • Free good
    Goods which aren't produced and are free
  • Renewable resources

    Can be replaced by nature
  • Non renewable resources

    Cannot be replaced by nature
  • Occupational Mobility
    Refers to the extent to which labour is able to move between jobs
  • Geographical mobility
    Refers to the extent to which labour is willing and able to move to different locations for employment purposes
  • Production possibility curve (PPC)

    Represents the maximum combination of goods and services which can be produced in an economy
  • Points on PPC
    • If the economy operates on the PPC it shows efficiency
    • If the economy operates inside PPC it shows inefficiency
    • If the economy operates outside PPC it shows scarcity
  • Shift on PPC
    • Outward shift shows economic growth
    • Inward shift shows economic recession
  • Labour intensive method

    Use of more labour than capital
  • Capital intensive method

    Use of more capital than labour
  • Microeconomics
    The study of particular markets and sections of the economy, rather than the economy as a whole
  • Macroeconomics
    The study of economic behaviour and decision making in the whole economy, rather than individual markets
  • Market economy
    Consumers determine what to produce, resources are allocated through price mechanism and land and capital are privately owned
  • Advantages of market economy
    • Freedom of choice
    • Competition
    • Efficiency
  • Disadvantages of market economy
    • Monopoly power exists
    • Merit goods are underprovided
    • Uneven distribution of income
  • Planned economy
    Government makes critical decisions, land and capital are state owned and resources are allocated by directives
  • Advantages of planned economy
    • Public goods are provided
    • Low inequality
    • Low unemployment
  • Disadvantages of planned economy
    • Less competition leads to inefficiency
    • More rules and regulations
    • Lack of technology and innovation
  • Mixed economy
    Resources are owned and controlled by both private and public, allocated through price mechanism and directives
  • Advantages of mixed economy
    • Inequality reduced
    • Efficiency because of competition
    • Social welfare taken into account
  • Disadvantages of mixed economy
    • Risk of nationalisation to private sectors
    • Rules and regulations slow the process of private sector organisations
    • Inefficiency of public will fall into people in form of tax
  • Government's role
    • Takes all costs and benefits into account
    • Finances products which can't be charger for
    • Prevents high prices set by private firms
  • Equilibrium price
    Exists when the demand for a product matches the supply, so there is no excess demand or excess supply also known as market clearing price
  • Disequilibrium price

    Exists if the price for a product is too high or too low
  • Price mechanism
    Refers to the system of relying on the market forces of demand and supply to allocate resources
  • Surplus production
    Supply is more than demand
  • Shortage
    Demand is more than supply
  • Demand
    Refers to the willingness and the ability of customers to pay a given price to buy a good or service. The higher the price of a product, the lower its demand tends
  • Demand curve
    • P 👆, QD 👇
    • P 👇, QD 👆
  • Movement along the demand curve
    • Extension
    • Contraction
  • Shift on demand curve
    • Increase 👉
    • Decrease 👈
  • Factors affecting demand
    • Taste and fashion
    • Population
    • Advertising
    • Substitutes
  • Substitutes
    Goods or services that can be used instead of each other, e.g.tea or coffee
  • Complements
    Products that are jointly demanded, e.g. tennis balls and tennis racquets
  • Supply
    The ability and willingness of firms to provide goods and services at given price levels
  • Supply curve
    • P 👆, QD 👆
    • P 👇, QD 👇
  • Movement along the supply curve
    • Extension
    • Contraction
  • Factors affecting supply
    • Disasters and wars
    • Price of other products
    • Cost of production