Cards (51)

  • Welfare Approach
    Originated in 1950s as a result of the first official world-wide recognition of women's equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex as established by UDHR in 1948
  • Reproductive Role
    Role associated with the responsibilities of child care and domestic tasks required to ensure the maintenance and reproduction of labor regarding the continuity of the family
  • Productive role
    Role undertaken by men and women to get paid / wages in cash or to produce goods that are not consume used by themselves. Including market production with an exchange rate, and household productions with a use value, but also a potential exchange rate
  • UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (UN-CEDAW)

    • Described as an international bill of rights for women
    • Defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda for national action to end such discrimination
    • The only human rights treaty which affirms the reproductive rights of women and targets culture and tradition as influential forces shaping gender roles and family relations
    • Eliminates all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
    • Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation
    • Ends all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere
  • The 1987 Constitution - "The state recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men."
  • Military function during Roman Republic
    • Defined as service to the ''Senatus Populusque Romanus'' - an agency designated by 'SPQR' on public inscriptions
    • Military's campaign history stretched over 1300 years and saw Roman armies campaigning as far east as Parthia (modern-day Iran), as far south as Africa (modern-day Tunisia) and Aegyptus (modern-day Egypt) and as far north as Britannia (modern-day England, south Scotland, and Wales)
    • Initially, Rome's military consisted of an annual citizen levy performing military service as part of their duty to the state
    • During this period, the Roman army would prosecute seasonal campaigns against largely local adversaries
    • Military service in the later empire continued to be salaried yearly and professionally for Rome's regular troops
    • The trend of employing allied or mercenary troops was expanded such that these troops came to represent a substantial proportion of Rome's forces
    • Roman troops were armed after Greek and Etruscan models, using large oval shields and long pikes
  • Crusades
    • The immediate geopolitical results of the crusades was the recapture of Jerusalem on 15 July 1099 CE
    • To ensure the Holy City stayed in Christian hands it was necessary that various western settlements were established in the Levant (collectively known as the Latin East, the Crusader States or Outremer)
    • There would be eight official crusades and several other unofficial ones throughout the 12th and 13th centuries CE, which all met with more failure than success
    • In 1291 CE the Crusader States were absorbed into the Mamluk Sultanate
  • As Rome started to expand, it slowly embraced the Greek culture, causing an influx of medicinal information in Roman society
  • Military capability of Rome
    • Its preparedness or readiness was always primarily based upon the maintenance of an active fighting force acting either at or beyond its military frontiers, something that historian Luttwak refers to as a "thin linear perimeter"
  • Heredity
    We cannot help it
  • General Appearances
    We can do a little only
  • Culture

    We can change our society & atmosphere to change culture
  • Experience
    It counts valuable point to enhance personality
  • Education & Training
    Can help one to enhance his personality
  • Personality Traits
    • Appearance - Outer looking (Clothing, Expressions, and Hairstyles etc.)
    • Speech Manirism - Clarity of voice, Tone and Speed
    • Gesticulation
    • Mental Alertness
    • Consistency of thoughts i,e Stability of thoughts
  • Steps for self-confidence
    1. Take off fear from mind
    2. Will (determination)
    3. +ve approach towards life
    4. Know your shortcomings
    5. Inferiority complex
  • Outer Personality
    • Neatness, cleanliness and well mannered
    • Active, Enthusiastic and practical
    • Well informed and quick to act
    • Disciplined and amiable
    • Dynamic, flexible and reasonable
  • Professional Quality
    • Clear in mind and systematic
    • Industrious and hard working
    • Responsibility
    • Clear vision and strong will power
    • Concentration of mind
  • Customs
    Accepted practices realized through continued usage that take the force and effect of a Common Law
  • Traditions
    Inherited principles, standards and practices that serve as the established guides for an individual or group. Traditions are accumulated experiences and deeds passed on from generation to generation both in memory and reality
  • Retreat Ceremony
    • The sounds of the evening gun during a combined ceremonial parade and retreat ceremony constitute one of the inspiring customs of the service
  • Flag Raising Ceremony
    • Soldiers honor the Flag by raising it with the troops singing the National Anthem and to the accompaniment of the band before the start of the official day's work to pledge that all his efforts for the day are dedicated to his country and people
  • The White Flag of Truce
    • A worldwide custom used to signal the temporary cessation of hostilities between warring parties
  • Happy Hour
    • A special form of unit officer comradeship, which had been developing and spreading in recent years. When this is directed, officers gather at their local club for a beer and conversation. Usually held on Fridays, the growing customs calls for a light hearted jesting about the events of the week, or airing a minor gripe, and blowing off a little stream also be to slip in a judicious request for a pass or event to inquire about taking a leave. Behavior and activities conform strictly to the moral and ethical standards set forth in this code
  • Ceremonies at Holiday Dinners
    • The practice on Christmas and New Year's Day, in which CO's visit troops during meal time or prior to the serving of the meal. The method varies rather widely
  • Traditions of the Filipino Soldier
    • Tradition of Duty - Exemplified throughout history as a dedicated public servant who performed his tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice
    • Tradition of Honor - Treasured honor more than life itself when they consistently offered the supreme sacrifice to win their freedom and keep it by refusing to yield to the glitter of gold offered by their former colonizers
    • Traditions of Valor - Epitomized valor during his gallant defense at Bataan and Corregidor against the Japanese Forces
  • Followership
    A process in which subordinates recognize their responsibility to comply with orders of leaders and take appropriate action
  • Importance of followership
    • Followers are potential leaders
    • Most leaders are also followers
    • Leaders come from the ranks of followers
    • The traits required from followers are the same traits required from a leader
  • Following is inherent to us especially to soldiers but it does not make everyone a good follower. It takes time to learn the skills of good followership just like in leadership
  • Followership will always be in the shadow of leadership. But there are no leaders without followers
  • Ego Management
    Good followers have their egos under control. They are team players in the fullest sense of the concept. They have good interpersonal skills
  • Qualities of an effective follower
    • Manage themselves well
    • Committed to the organization and to a purpose, principle, or person outside themselves
    • Build their competence and focus their efforts for maximum impact
    • Courageous, honest, and credible
  • Rules of good followership
    • Do not blame your superior
    • Do not fight the superior
    • Use Initiative
    • Accept responsibility
    • Tell the truth and do not object
    • Suggest implementation
    • Keep the superior informed
    • Fix problems as they occur
    • Put in an honest day's work
  • Military Letter
    Used for communication between and/or among personnel in the AFP
  • Non-Military Letter

    Used for correspondence with the Secretary of the National Defense civilians, other governmental department and civilians agencies
  • Communication
    A two dynamic process where in the source transmit a message through channel to receiver
  • Heading
    All the materials above the first line of the body of the letter
  • Subject
    Will start 2 spaces below the file references. It should words not exceeding ten (10)
  • Mil-Correspondence
    A written record whereby the AFP transact most it's business. It concerns almost every subject and takes many forms
  • Body
    The letter of the message itself