The cognitive approach suggests that depression results from faulty cognition processing and negative thinking about events (so disturbances in thinking)
Ellis proposed that it is not the activating event itself that directly leads to emotional and behaviouralconsequences, but rather the beliefs and thoughts associated with it
Reductionism: Ellis' ABC model
only explains reactive depression and not persistentdepressivedisorder
Thus is because reactive depression is depression triggered by lifeevents while depression in PDD is not traceable to lifeevents and it's not obvious what leads the person to become depressed at a particulartime
So, can only explain somecases of depression therefore the ABC model is reductionist
Limitation: Ellis' ABC Model
The ABC model can be criticised as being a simplisticrepresentation of depression. It does not fully account for other factors that contribute to depression, such as geneticpredispositions, environmentalinfluences, and physiologicalaspects.