branches of zoo

Cards (34)

  • Anatomy
    Study of internal structure of animals
  • Anthrozoology
    Study of past, present and future interactions between animals and human beings
  • Archaeozoology or Zooarchaeology
    Study of dead animals
  • Arachnology
    Branch of biology that deals with the study of spiders, scorpions or other arachnids
  • Bionics
    Study of mechanical systems like living organisms and parts of living organisms
  • Carnicology
    Study of Crustaceans
  • Cetology
    Study of marine mammals [Dolphins, Whales, Porpoises, etc]
  • Cytology
    Study of cell structure and its functions
  • Ecology
    Relationship between the organisms and their surrounding environments
  • Embryology
    Study of egg fertilisation, embryos and fetuses
  • Entomology
    Study of insects
  • Ethology
    Study of the behaviour of animals to interpret their effects on evolution
  • Evolution Environments

    Study of origin of animals and their adaptation
  • Genetics
    Study of heredity and variations
  • Genetic
    Study of mechanism of an animal from fertilized egg to birth or hatching
  • Geology
    Study of earth and life as shown by fossils in rocks
  • Herpetology
    Study of reptiles and amphibians
  • Histology
    Study of anatomy of cells and tissues of animals
  • Ichthyology
    Study of Fishes
  • Mammalogy [Also called Mastology]

    Study of Mammals
  • Malacology
    Study of animal forms with shells [Snails, Octopus, Slugs, etc]
  • Morphology
    Study of form and specific structures of animal organisms
  • Nematology
    Division of zoology that studies roundworms
  • Neonatology
    Study of newborn animals till the age of two months
  • Ornithology
    This branch of zoology concerns the study of birds
  • Paleontology
    Study of fossils and extinct animals
  • Pathology
    Study of bodily fluids in laboratory like blood, urine, tissues, etc to diagnose diseases
  • Primatology
    Study of primates [apes, gorillas, monkeys, prosimians, etc]
  • Protozoology
    Study of protozoa or the unicellular organisms
  • Taxonomy
    This field studies, groups and formulates nomenclature rules of animals on the basis of common characteristics
  • Zoography (Descriptive Zoology)

    Study of animals and their respective habitats
  • Zoogeography
    Study of geographical distribution of animal species
  • Zoometry
    Study of measurement including size and length of animal parts
  • Zootomy
    Study of animal anatomy