Cards (14)

  • What is quantitative data?

    How much or how long and is measured in numbers.
    -The DV in an experiment is quantitative
    -Closed questions.
  • What are 2 benefits of quantitative data?
    • Easy to analyse
    • Easy to draw conclusions.
  • What are 2 drawbacks of quantitative data?
    • Oversimplifies
    • Could be meaningless?
  • What is qualitative data?

    Cannot be counted or qualified and is what people think/feel.
    -Open questions.
  • What are two benefits of qualitative data?
    • Rich and detailed data
    • Provides insights into thoughts and behaviours - answers are not constricted.
  • What are 2 drawbacks of qualitative data?
    • Time consuming
    • Complex-makes it more difficult to analyse.
  • What is primary data?
    Sometimes called field researching refers to original data that has been collected specifically fro the purpose of the investigation by the researcher.
  • Primary data arrive first hand from the participants and is gather by conducting an experiment, questionnaire or observation.
  • What are 2 benefits of primary data?
    • Researcher has control over data
    • Data collection can be designed so it fits the aims and hypothesis of the study.
  • What are 2 drawbacks of primary data?
    • Time consuming
    • Expensive.
  • What is secondary data?
    Data that has already been conducted by someone other than the researcher and already exists before the psychologists conduct their research.
  • Secondary data has already been subject to statistical testing and the significance is shown.
    Data could be in articles, books or websites.
  • What are 2 benefits of secondary data?
    • Already been analysed
    • Simpler and cheaper to access someone else's data-quicker.
  • What are 2 drawbacks of secondary data?
    • May not fit the needs of the study
    • Subject to statistical testing - not known whether its relevant.