Provides an overviewofwhat has beenwrittenabout a specifictopic
Related Literature
Reviewof the literatureinvolves the systematic identification, location, and analysis ofdocumentscontaininginformationrelated to the researchproblem
It is the process of collecting, selecting, and readingbooks, journalarticles, reports, abstracts and otherreferencematerials, includingelectronicsourcesabout the problemunderinvestigation
It is composed of discussion of facts and principles to which the present study is related
Sources of Related Literature
Journal articles
Computerized databases
Conference proceedings
Theses and dissertations
Empirical studies
Governmentreports and reports from other bodies
Historical records
Statistical handbooks
Related Studies
Studies, inquiries, or investigations already conducted to which the present proposed study is related or has some bearing or similarity
Classification of Related Studies
Informationthat may be collected from various sources
Backgroundinformation about the problem and relatedconcepts
Theories that explain the existenceof the problem and the possibleconnectionbetween certain factorsand the problem
Data that confirm the existence and seriousnessof the problem
General and specificfindings of studiesrelatedto the problem
Recommendationsforfurtherstudygiven in relatedstudies
Need for a Review of Literature and Studies
It helps the researcheridentify and define a researchproblem
It helpsjustifytheneedforstudying a problem
It helpspreventunnecessaryduplicationof a study
It can be asourceoftheoreticalbasisfor the study
It enables the researcher to learnhow to conceptualize a researchproblem and properlyidentify and operationallydefinestudyvariables
It provides a basisforidentifying and usingappropriateresearchdesign
Result of relatedstudiesprovidelessons for data analysis and interpretation
Functions, Purposes and Importance of Review
It links the studyto any underlying assumptions and theoriesrelatedto the initialresearchquestion
It determineswhat has beendonealready
It providesinsightsnecessarytodevelop a logicalframework into whichtopicfits
It provides the rationalefor the hypothesesbeinginvestigated and the justificationof the significanceofthestudy
It identifiespotentiallyusefulmethodologicalstrategies
Phrases and expressions that help express related literature and studies
In 2005, Dizonstresses that...
Gay (2000) said that ...
Fox (2003) suggested that ...
Gates (2001) pointed out that ...
Flanderssystem focused ...
Ballack, proposed that ...
Related Literature
In a paper presented by Little, she indicated that the quality of learning and teaching is a function of many factors, including the organization of learners, the distribution of teachers, the structure and quality of curricula, the quality and quantity of learning and teaching materials, the content and quality of teacher preparatory systems, the structure, content and quality of assessment systems.
Related Studies
Acosta investigated the training needs of the academic personnel of AMA Computer College in Region V. Findings showed that a moderate need for training was expressed by the academic personnel in the tri-fold functions of instruction research and extension service in order to upgrade their knowledge and skills on the tri-fold function, research and extension service. She also found out that most of the respondents are open to the idea of transferring to other fields of work as part of their career plans, not for the reason that teaching is a demanding work but because of the reason that there is no security of tenure.
Synthesisof theState-of-the-Art
A discussion that draws on one or more sources
Ability to inferrelationshipsamongsourcessuchasessays, articles, fictionand also non-writtensources
To determinenotonlywhat parts ofyoursourcesyouwillusebutalsohowyouwillrelatethemtooneanother
Refers to bringingtogetherof materials fromdifferentsources, and thecreationofanintegratedwhole
It shapes the justificationoftheresearchproblem, objectives in order to providethebasisonitsparameters
It is a symbolicconstructionwhichusesabstracts, concepts, facts or laws, variablesandtheirrelationsthatexplainandpredicthowanobservedphenomenonexistsandoperates
Consists of generalizations (statements or conclusions) about a phenomena based on some amount of evidence and continued verification
It presentsspecific and well-defined concepts which are calledconstructs
It provides a systematic and coherentwayof thinking about a problem or topicandhelpstoguideresearchoranalysisin a particularfield
It is a keycomponentof any researchproject and helpstoguidetheresearchprocessfromstarttofinish
It provides a clearunderstandingof the variables, relationships, and assumptionsthatunderpin a researchstudy
It outlines the keyconceptsthat the study is investigating and howtheyarerelatedtoeachother
It also defines the scopeofthestudy and setsouttheresearchquestionsor hypotheses