- Thick yellow/green discharge from vagina or penis, pain in urination
- Spread by unprotected sexual contact with an infected person
- Antibiotics, contraception, reducing number of sexual partners
Rose black spot (Plant) (Fungal)
- Purple/black spots on leaves, leaves turn yellow and drop early
- Spread by the environment, carried by the wind
- Removing/ burning infected leaves and stems, chemical fungicides
Malaria (Protist)
- Recurrent episodes of fever and shaking, can be fatal
- Spread by mosquitoes (act as vectors) which breed in stagnant water
- Combination of drugs, insect nets, preventing breeding, insecticides to kill mosquitoes, antimalarial drugs for travellers
Diseases in plants can be identified by
Stunted growth
Function of nitrates in plants
Needed to make proteins, a lack causes stunted growth
Function of magnesium in plants
Needed for making chlorophyll (photosynthesis)
Mechanical barriers
- Thorns and hairs
- Mimicry
- Leaves that curl up when touched
Physical barriers
- Tough waxy cuticle
- Tough cellulose walls
- Layers of dead cells around stems
Chemical barriers
- Can produce poisons
- Can produce antibiotics
Natural killer cells
Produce poisons to destroy infected cells but also kill nearby cells
Macrophages (phagocytes)
Engulf cell debris and destroy it
Interleukins (chemicals)
Attract other immune cells to help
Makes nerves hypersensitive so body aches by the slightest movement and you want to rest
Trigger the brain thermostat (fever slows pathogens down)
Dendritic cells (antigen presenting cells)
Collect and display virus spikes (pathogen antigens)
Will travel to lymph to find matching T and B cells to find one which might recognise the virus
T - cells
Divide and destroy only killing infected cells
B - cells
Divide and produce antibodies which target new born virus, holding onto spikes (paralysing virus)
Memory T and B cells
Control immunity by memorising virus (remembering same pathogen) and will instantly destroy a re-infection
Mucus, tears and saliva
- Pathogens get trapped because it's sticky
- Have enzymes that digest and destroy pathogens
Acid destroys most swallowed pathogens
Little hairs (cilia) waft pathogens and bad things up to the back of the throat to be swallowed into stomach acid
- Covered in bacteria
- Forming an extra layer of barrier keeping pathogens outside of the body
Competition provided by non-pathogens to prevent pathogens being able to grow
Edward Jenner
- Thought if he gave people cowpox, they would be immune to small pox
- Took pus from a milkmaid suffering from cowpox and gave it to a boy who hadn't suffered from cowpox or small pox, then the boy became immune to smallpox in 1796
Contains a dead or a weakened (inactive) pathogen of a small amount. This pathogen doesn't make us ill and stimulates the white blood cells to produce antibodies. If the pathogen enters our body again, the antibodies will act quickly to eliminate the virus.
Antibody concentration time graph
Drugs can be used to treat disease by
- Treating symptoms (painkillers, cold remedies)
- Curing illness (Antibiotics)
Willow tree (painkiller)
Foxglove (treats heart conditions)
Penicillium notatum mould (kills bacteria)
Fake/dummy drug that does not contain the active ingredient. When you have taken a placebo, your brain will believe it should be getting better as you have taken medicine.
Medical testing Stage 1
- Pre clinical
- 0-3 years
- Testing on human cells and live animals (mice)
- Testing to see if drug works (efficiency)
Medical testing Stage 2
- Clinical trial on healthy humans (around 3 years)