Cog Key Question

Cards (9)

  • Cog Key Question
    How can psychologists understanding of memory help patients with Alzheimer's disease?​
  • AO1 Describe your Key Question 1st Para (def and symptoms)
    Definition – Alzheimer's is a degenerative neurological disorder that is common to an ageing brain​
    Symptoms – It mainly affects the episodic memory, as well as thinking skills decreasing, problem solving skills decreasing, and mood changes​
  • AO1 Describe your key question 2nd para (why issue/treatment)
    Why is it an issue – It is an issue as it decreases brain capability, therefore patients will find it hard to function in their day-to-day lives independently​
    Treatment -  3 conditions can be used to treat Alzheimer's​: Memory buses, Cognitive stimulation, Validation therapy
  • AO1 Describe your key question 3rd para(mem bus + cog stim)
    Memory Buses (CUES)​
    Buses would have been a large part of patients' lives in terms of travelling around. Driver + conductor wear uniforms from that era. Music from the time period is played and a song is sung.

    ​Cognitive Stimulation (SCHEMAS)​
    Patients in groups + discuss memories using pictures, play games like snakes and ladders, and solve puzzles​
  • AO1 Describe your key K 4th para (val ther)
    Validation Therapy (RETRIEVAL + REHEARSALMSM)​
    Patients are allowed to live the life that they believe they have, and aren't told that they are wrong. E.g. Hogeway in NE is a functioning hospital that is a small village where patients can live independently, but ppl like waitresses and shop owners are medical professionals
  • AO2 Explain your key question para 1 (mem+alz)
    • Memory is the process of storing, processing and retrieving information. Alzheimers is a degenerative neurological disorder that is common to the ageing brain, that affects the episodic memory in the LTM, as well as decreasing problem-solving and thinking skills, making it a major issue as patients are unable to live independently​
  • AO2 Explain your key question para 2 (ep mem + cues)
    • Episodic memory is known as the mental diary, as it contains personal memories about your life. It uses time-referencing, so the memories are linked to the time that they were made. These memories are fragile, so are easily forgotten, which is why cues are used to aid recall. Memory buses act as a cue as they are comprised of familiar surroundings from childhood which can slow down memory loss in Alzheimer's patients​
  • AO2 Explain your key question para 3 (msm, cog stim)
    • The MSM states that rehearsal and retrieval is necessary for the storing and retaining of LTM. In cognitive stimulation, photos are used and discussed to promote rehearsal of older memories, and games and puzzles are used to rehearse problem-solving skills. This strengthens the LTM by making pathways stronger and less likely to break​
  • AO2 Explain your key question para 4 (recon mem + val therapy)
    • Reconstructive memory suggests that when we recall memories we actively reconstruct the information, drawing on past experiences, previous memories, expectations and beliefs. This is done using schemaspackages of information stored in the LTM which fill in gaps in our memory. Validation therapy allows residents to reinforce schemas in a safe environment, which reinforces the LTM, making it stronger, and slows down memory loss in Alzheimer patients.​