
Cards (11)

  • Priscus added 100 men to the Senate to consolidate his power and held strong loyalty to him
  • The Circus Maximus held political significance as spoils of war would be displayed. Patricians were also allowed to build seating areas 12 feet high
  • Constructed the Circus Maximus which increased leisure in Rome. Etruscan boxing and chariot racing were some of the forms of entertainment.
  • Built the Cloaca Maxima which would prevent flooding. Helped improve hygiene in the city
  • Extended the Forum and shops and colonnades were built
  • Increased number of vestal virgins to 6
  • Introduced harsher punishments for vestals who broke their promise
  • War with Sabines
    • As Romans were building the wall around the city, they encountered the Sabines
    • Fighting occurred but victory was indecisive
    • Sabines retreated which gave Romans time to prepare
    • Priscus wanted to increase the number of centuries but the gods did not approve with his plans.
    • Despite this, he doubled the number of centuries and added 1200 horsemen
    • He fought and defeated the Sabines
  • War with Sabines (p2)
    • Priscus ordered logs to be set on fire and sent down the river Anio to burn the bridge the Sabines used to cross
    • This prevented the Sabines from retreating
    • Roman cavalry attacked Sabine army from both sides
    • Sabine city, Collatia, was taken
  • Latin cities surrendered
  • Assassination of Priscus
    • Ancus' sons were bitter about how Priscus betrayed them
    • They ordered shepherds to have a fake argument in front of the palace which attracted Priscus
    • Whilst Priscus tried to settle the argument, one of the shepherds got up behind him and stabbed him with an axe