Have jurisdiction and supervision over corporations, partnerships or associations with government-issued franchises, licenses or permits
Formulate policies and recommendations on securities market, advise Congress and other agencies, propose legislation
Approve, reject, suspend, revoke or require amendments to registration statements, and registration and licensing applications
Regulate, investigate or supervise the activities of persons to ensure compliance
Supervise, monitor, suspend or take over exchanges, clearing agencies and other SROs
Impose sanctions for violations of laws, rules, regulations and orders
Prepare, approve, amend or repeal rules, regulations and orders, issue opinions and provide guidance
Enlist aid and support of government enforcement agencies and private entities
Issue cease and desist orders to prevent fraud or injury to the investing public
Punish for contempt of the Commission
Compel officers of registered corporations/associations to call stockholder/member meetings
Issue subpoena duces tecum, order examination, search and seizure of documents
Suspend or revoke franchises or certificates of registration
Exercise other powers provided by law or necessary to carry out its express powers