the domino theory sums up the US fears about communism + the threat it posed on Indochina - it was coined by president Eisenhower in 1954
what is the red scare
widespread paranoia about the communist threat in America
what was the mcCarren act
stated that all communist organisations were to be registered and reduced job opportunities for communists
Dwight D eisenhower 1890-1969
became general in WWII
became president in 1953
ended fighting in korea
John F Kennedy 1917 - 63
fought in US navy in WWII
USA youngest president - first catholic leader
strong anticommunist
assasinated in 63
Eisenhowers involvement
invited SV to join SEATO to work w other counties to stop the spread of communism
sent CIA agents o Saigon to gather information for the US govt
used propaganda to gain more support for diem - turn people against ho chi mihn
gave supplies. money + military equipment to south Vietnam
sent military advisors to train the ARVN
Kennedy's involvement
did on tell the US press act US involvement - worried apt public opinion.
increased money given to the ARVN - 150,000 to 170,000 by 1961
increased military support
300 helicopter pilots sent to SV to transport ARVN pilots
did not stop coup against diem
supported the strategic hamlet programme
strategic hamlet programme
introduced by diem in 1962 - supported by kennedy
strategic hamlet programme
introduced by diem in 1962 - supported by kennedy
was to help SV peasants defend themselves against vietcong - it was however a way of cutting off the support the peasants has been giving the veitcong.
peasants were moves from the villages to "strategic hamlets" - surrounded by barbed wire + ditches.
by 1963 2/3 of the population had been moved - turned to the Vietcong
Lyon Baines Johnson 1908-73
was kennedys vice president - became president when he was assinated.
won in 1964 served till 69
wanted to create a great society - fair to everyone
3 august 1964
3 north Vietnamese torpedo boats head towards Maddox. Maddox fires at the boats and they fire three missiles back
US jets sink one of the boats and damage the other two
4th august 1964
report comes in from Maddox - NV is going to attack again
US captain says he isn't sure
Johnson launches attack anyways
7th august 1964
US govt approves of the gulf of Tonkin resolution - gives Johnson the power to take any military measure necessary to defend south vietnam + stop the spread of communism throughout Southeast Asia
mass bombing campaigns
in feb 1965 vietcong attacked camp Holloway - US helicopter base
ten helicopters destroyed, killing 8 servicemen, and 100 wounded
continuous bombing in NV targeting important govt buildings
lasted 3 years
dropped 1 mill tonnes of bombs
guerilla tactics
retreat when enemy attacks
attacks when enemy retreats
raid camps whenever possible
don't wear uniform
work in small groups
using the ho chi mihn trail
supply route running through laos and Cambodia from NV
ran through thick jungle
porters carried supplies of bicycles or ponies
imposible to completely destroy
hanging on the belts
Vietcong travelled light - dressed like ordinary ppl - who also gave them food.
carried AK_47 rifles
stayed close to Americans + ambushed them, disappearing into the jungles after.
creating a tunnel system
Vietcong moved underground - harder for US soldiers to find them.
stitched for 300 km under the jungle
had hospitals workshops bedrooms + kitchens
setting booby traps
Punji traps - sharpened bamboo stakes hidden in shallow pits + covered in leaves.
spikes would sometimes be covered w human or animal excrement - cause infection
bouncing Betty mines exploded one metre from the ground targeting stomach and groin area.
violence and propaganda
Vietcong attacked govt + public workers in south Vietnam (between 1966 - 71 Vietcong killed 27,000 civilians)
propagand posters were ditributed - showed Vietcong overpowering the enemy or women + children supporting the veitcong
search and destroy
US searched villages in South Vietnam
burnt and destroyed whole villages if anyones was suspected being vietcong
'zippo' raids
removes and vietcong bases discovered
operation rolling thunder - contimous bombing
1 mill tonnes of bombs dropped
cluster bombs - designed to explode and release 600 smaller bombs
chemical warfare
USA used chemical weapons - agent orange and napalm
agent orange was a toxic chemical causing cancer and deformities in unborn children
napalm tuned through jungle and forest but also skin and bones
conscripting troops
US troops were called GI's
conscripted for one year 'tour of duty' - refusal to join ended in prison sentence
M-16 rifles jammed easily
many US troops mistakenly killed Vietnamese civilillians because they were unable to tell them apart from the Vietcong
impact of US tactics
supply routes along the ho chi mihn were disrupted but US never got upper hand
few Vietcong were captured - most of tunnels stayed intact
USA became very unpopular w Vietnamese peasants
support for the Vietcong increased
tet offensive
30th January 1968 was a temporary ceasefire in order of TET.
veitcong broke the ceasefire
tet offensive - how?
veitcong had been launching small attacks away from major cities - make sure the was fewer US troops in saigon
for months the veitcong had been piling up weapons in homes around Saigon.
how did the US react to Tet offensive
regained control of towns and cities quickly
advanced tech and training to defeat vietcong
US response weakened veitcong - killed 10,000 fighters and 50,000 veitnamese
my lai massacre
16th march - US troops landed + started firing at ppl in fields + buildings they thought might contain fighters
no vietcong were found by the Charlie company - no armed retaliation
when US troops came back - mixed reports were given
Charlie company was praised for its actions
impact of my lai
US citizens were shocked - confused ant aims of the war
began to mistrust the ppl running the army
anti war movements began- 500,000 protested in Washington 1969
the investigations exposed low morale of the US troops in Vietnam.