ExtremeTemperatures, Over Grazing, TooManyPredators
How can we measureLightIntensity?
LightMeter, User casting a shadow over the meter, User stands to oneside to prevent casting a shadow on the sensor.
How can we measure SoilMoisture?
MoistureMeter, Moistureleft on probe from previousreading, Make sure probe is wipeddry between readings.
How can we measure Soil pH?
pH Meter, Soilleft on probe from previousreading, Make sure probe is wipeddry between readings.
How can we samplePlants?
Quadrats, Human Judgement - Deciding if a plant is inside or outside the quadrat, Use basicrules to keep countingconsistent.
How can we sampleAnimals?
Pitfall Traps, Animals may escape or be eaten, Cover the trap and keep hidden from predators.
What is an IndicatorSpecies?
By their presence, absence, or abundanceindicatelevels of pollution in the environment.
What is Photosynthesis?
The process by which greenplantsuseenergy from sunlight to maketheirownfood. It takes place inside the chloroplasts of plantcells.
What is the summaryequation for photosynthesis?
Light Energy
CarbonDioxide + Water → Sugar + Oxygen
What is stage1 of photosynthesis called?
Light Reactions
What is stage2 of photosynthesis called?
Carbon Fixation
What happens in stage1 of photosynthesis?
The lightenergy from the sun is trapped by chlorophyll in the chloroplasts. Some light energy is converted into chemicalenergy which is used to generateATP. The remaining lightenergy is used to splitwater into hydrogen and oxygen.Oxygendiffuses from the cell.
What happens in stage2 of photosynthesis?
The ATP and hydrogengenerated from the lightreactions and carbondioxide from the air are combined. They are converted into sugar during a series of enzymecontrolledreactions.