Chapter 2 - Processing and Representing Data

Cards (8)

  • Bar charts
    bars are equal width
    equal gaps between bars
    frequency on y-axis
  • Pie charts
    area of pie chart = total frequency
    angles for each frequency = 360/frequency
    pie charts show proportion not numbers
  • Comparative pie charts
    r2 = r1 x (square root of F2/square root of F1)
  • Cumulative frequency diagrams
    running total of the frequencies
    use upper bounds for x-axis
  • CF step polygons
    use for discrete data
    plot points using upper bound of class interval and join points using straight lines by going across then up
  • CF curves
    used for group continuous data
    plot pints using upper bound of class interval and connect with a smooth curve
  • Histograms
    represents continuous data from grouped frequency tables
    no gaps between bars
    unequal class widths use frequency density
    frequency = frequency density x class width
  • Frequency polygons
    use mid points of class intervals and points are plotted then joined together with a straight line