Cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
Cells that lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
Components of animal and plant cells
Cell membrane
Nucleus containing DNA
Components of bacterial cells
Cell wall
Cell membrane
Single circular strand of DNA and plasmids
Orders of magnitude
A way to understand how much bigger or smaller one object is compared to another
Prefixes to show multiples of units
Centi (0.01)
Milli (0.001)
Micro (0.000,001)
Nano (0.000,000,001)
Structures in animal and plant cells
Cell membrane
Additional structures in plant cells
Permanent vacuole
Cell wall
Structures in bacterial cells
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Single circular strand of DNA
Cell specialisation
The process where cells gain new sub-cellular structures to be suited to their role
Specialised animal cells
Sperm cells
Nerve cells
Muscle cells
Specialised plant cells
Root hair cells
Xylem cells
Phloem cells
Cell differentiation
The process where stem cells switch on/off genes to produce different proteins and acquire new sub-cellularstructures
In animals, most cells differentiate early and lose ability to differentiate, but some like redbloodcells are replaced by adultstemcells
In plants, many cell types retain ability to differentiate throughout life
Light microscope
Has two lenses (objective and eyepiece), illuminated from underneath, max magnification x2000, resolving power 200nm
Growing microorganisms on agar gel plate
1. Pour hot sterilised agar jelly into sterilised Petri dish
2. Allow to cool and set
3. Inoculate with microorganism using sterilised loop
4. Seal plate and incubate
Contain coils of DNA and carrygenes
There are 23pairs of chromosomes in each body cell, and 23 chromosomes in eachsexcell
Cell cycle and mitosis
1. Interphase: cell grows, organellesincrease, DNA replicates
2. Mitosis: chromosomeslineup and are pulled to oppositesides
3. Cytokinesis: cytoplasm and cellmembranedivide to form twodaughter cells
Importance of mitosis
Growth and development
Replacingdamaged cells
Asexual reproduction
Stem cells
Undifferentiated cells that can divide to produce moresimilar cells, some of which can differentiate
Types of stem cells
Adult (e.g. in bonemarrow)
Meristems in plants
Therapeutic cloning
Producing an embryo with the same genes as the patient, to obtain stem cells that can be grown into needed cells/tissues
Benefits and problems of stem cell research
Benefits: Replace damaged/diseased body parts, use unwanted embryos, research differentiation
Problems: Don't fully understand differentiation, destroyingembryos, ethicalconcerns, risk of contamination, money could be better spent
The spreading out of particles in a solution or gas, resulting in netmovement from higher to lower concentration
Diffusion is passive and does not require energy
Substances that can move by diffusion
Amino acids
Examples of diffusion in the body
Oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs
Urea from liver to kidneys
Factors affecting rate of diffusion
Concentration gradient
Surface area
Thickness of membrane
The movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Where diffusion takes place in the body
Oxygen moves through the membranes of alveoli into redbloodcells, and is carried to cells across the body for respiration
Carbon dioxide (the waste product of respiration) moves from the redbloodcells into the lungs to be exhaled
Gas exchange
The movement of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide
Where diffusion takes place in the body
Urea (a waste product) moves from the liver cells into the bloodplasma to be transported to the kidney for excretion
Factors affecting the rate of diffusion
Concentration gradient (difference in concentrations)
Surface area of the membrane
Concentration gradient
The greater the difference in concentration, the faster the rate of diffusion
The greater the temperature, the greater the movement of particles, resulting in more collisions and therefore a faster rate of diffusion
Surface area of the membrane
The greater the surface area, the more space for particles to movethrough, resulting in a faster rate of diffusion
If the surface area to volume ratio is large, the organism is less likely to require specialisedexchangesurfaces and a transportsystem because the rate of diffusion is sufficient in supplying and removing the necessary gases
Single-celled organisms
Can use diffusion to transport molecules into their body from the air because they have a relativelylargesurfacearea to volumeratio